Garantías jurídicas en Colombia: violencia intrafamiliar contra las mujeres en la ciudad de Barranquilla 2020-2021
Charris Altamiranda, Alicia
Moras Insignares, Onelia Gina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El ensayo a continuación, se constituye como un análisis reflexivo sobre la eficacia jurídica y normativa que propenden todos aquellos mecanismos de protección a las víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar, doméstica y por cuestiones de género. Desde la academia, se insta por el reconocimiento de los tratados internacionales que resguardan los derechos de las mujeres, así como a todas aquellas mejoras y actualizaciones necesarias en las medidas de atención y acompañamiento diseñadas para que las potenciales víctimas de hechos lesivos puedan salvaguardarse de este ámbito violento y así continuar con una vida digna, bajo el respeto y la igualdad de condiciones propiamente reconocidas. Todo este panorama se ha transformado de forma lenta pero paulatina en Colombia y otros países de la región; actualmente la violencia doméstica o ejercida contra la mujer constituye un fenómeno antijurídico que adquiere más connotaciones negativas conforme se reconoce la normativa y toda la legislatura progresiva y constante que permite el desempeño personal, social y comunitario de las mujeres como sujetos de participación en absolutamente cada ámbito social. Esta reivindicación jurídica apoyada siempre de la mano de los tratados y convenciones mundiales, produjo la implementación de ciertas garantías para la protección y reconocimiento de los derechos de las víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar, pues el ámbito familiar y el asunto del género refiriéndose al rol de la mujer en sociedad, se constituyen a sí mismos como aspectos colisionados y que van de la mano en cuanto a sus características, por ello, los informes reiteran que las mayores víctimas de violencia dentro del núcleo familiar son mujeres o personas que se perciben dentro de este espectro, pues la violencia contra individuos a razón de su estatus sexual o de género es un fenómeno común y aunado a las practicas violentas documentados en estos documentos y tratados.
The following essay is constituted as a reflexive analysis on the legal and normative efficacy that all those mechanisms of protection tend to the victims of intra-family, domestic and gender violence. From the academy, it is urged for the recognition of international treaties that protect the rights of women, as well as all those improvements and necessary updates in the care and support measures designed so that potential victims of harmful acts can be safeguarded from this area. Violence and thus continue with a dignified life, under the respect and equality of properly recognized conditions. All this panorama has been slowly but gradually transforming in Colombia and other countries in the region; Currently, domestic violence or violence against women constitutes an unlawful phenomenon that acquires more negative connotations as the regulations and all the progressive and constant legislation that allows the personal, social and community performance of women as subjects of participation in absolutely every area are recognized. Social. This legal claim, always supported by global treaties and conventions, produced the implementation of certain guarantees for the protection and recognition of the rights of victims of domestic violence, since the family sphere and the gender issue referring to the role of the women in society, constitute themselves as colliding aspects and that go hand in hand in terms of their characteristics, for this reason the reports reiterate that the greatest victims of violence within the family nucleus are women or people who are perceived within this spectrum , since violence against individuals because of their sexual or gender status is a common phenomenon and coupled with the violent practices documented in these documents and treaties.
The following essay is constituted as a reflexive analysis on the legal and normative efficacy that all those mechanisms of protection tend to the victims of intra-family, domestic and gender violence. From the academy, it is urged for the recognition of international treaties that protect the rights of women, as well as all those improvements and necessary updates in the care and support measures designed so that potential victims of harmful acts can be safeguarded from this area. Violence and thus continue with a dignified life, under the respect and equality of properly recognized conditions. All this panorama has been slowly but gradually transforming in Colombia and other countries in the region; Currently, domestic violence or violence against women constitutes an unlawful phenomenon that acquires more negative connotations as the regulations and all the progressive and constant legislation that allows the personal, social and community performance of women as subjects of participation in absolutely every area are recognized. Social. This legal claim, always supported by global treaties and conventions, produced the implementation of certain guarantees for the protection and recognition of the rights of victims of domestic violence, since the family sphere and the gender issue referring to the role of the women in society, constitute themselves as colliding aspects and that go hand in hand in terms of their characteristics, for this reason the reports reiterate that the greatest victims of violence within the family nucleus are women or people who are perceived within this spectrum , since violence against individuals because of their sexual or gender status is a common phenomenon and coupled with the violent practices documented in these documents and treaties.
Palabras clave
Violencia intrafamiliar, Garantías jurídicas, Género, Barranquilla, Domestic violence, Legal guarantees, Gender