Estudio socioeconómico en vendedores ambulantes y estacionarios del centro histórico de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Contreras Castillo, Paola Andrea
Salgado Morales, Natalia María
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El estudio socioeconómico en vendedores ambulantes y estacionarios, es un tema de alto interés en el corte social, porque ha servido para determinar las diversas dimensiones del entorno de los vendedores ambulantes estacionarios. Por medio de una metodología descriptiva se llevó a cabo una investigación que accede a describir la interacción en el grupo de vendedores informales, que laboraran actualmente en el Centro Histórico de Barranquilla en el sector de la calle 30 entre carreras 42 y 43. El instrumento que facilito la recolección de la información fue un ESTUDIO SOCIO ECONÓMICO VENDEDORES AMBULANTES ESTACIONARIOS DEL CENTRO HISTÓRICO DE BARRANQUILLA, la cual radica en una serie de preguntas que pretenden indagar acerca de los diversas necesidades y deberes de los actores, lo cual nos permite enmarca cuales son sus características. Esta encuesta fue elaborada por la Universidad Simón Bolívar, Grupo de Familia y Desarrollo Humano, Comercializadora Solidaria del Caribe (CODISCAR) y Promocentro. La investigación hace parte de la línea de investigación “Familia en el contexto socioeconómico en el Caribe colombiano: cambios y permanencias”, liderada por la investigadora, Yomaira García. Del eje: Familia y Territorio. Lo dicho anteriormente va articulado del macroproyecto de
investigación, “Dialogo de saberes: una estrategia para incrementar la participación de los actores involucrados en el centro histórico de Barranquilla”.
The socioeconomic study on hawkers and stationary, is a topic of great interest in the social court, because it has served to identify the various dimensions of the environment of stationary vendors. Using a descriptive methodology was carried out research that accesses describe the interaction in the group of informal traders, currently working in the Historic Center of Barranquilla in the area of Calle 30 between Carreras 42 and 43. The instrument that facilitated the data collection was a SOCIO ECONOMIC STUDY STATIONARY STREET VENDORS HISTORICAL CENTER OF BARRANQUILLA, which lies in a series of questions intended to inquire about the various needs and responsibilities of stakeholders, which allows frames what are their characteristics. This survey was developed by the Universidad Simón Bolívar, Family Group and Human Development, Solidarity Comercializadora Caribbean (CODISCOS) and Promocentro. The research is part of the research line "Family in the socioeconomic context in the Colombian Caribbean: change and continuity", led by researcher, Yomaira Garcia. Shaft: Family and Territory. The above body of the macro-going research, "Dialogue of knowledge: a strategy to increase participation of stakeholders in the historic center of Barranquilla.
The socioeconomic study on hawkers and stationary, is a topic of great interest in the social court, because it has served to identify the various dimensions of the environment of stationary vendors. Using a descriptive methodology was carried out research that accesses describe the interaction in the group of informal traders, currently working in the Historic Center of Barranquilla in the area of Calle 30 between Carreras 42 and 43. The instrument that facilitated the data collection was a SOCIO ECONOMIC STUDY STATIONARY STREET VENDORS HISTORICAL CENTER OF BARRANQUILLA, which lies in a series of questions intended to inquire about the various needs and responsibilities of stakeholders, which allows frames what are their characteristics. This survey was developed by the Universidad Simón Bolívar, Family Group and Human Development, Solidarity Comercializadora Caribbean (CODISCOS) and Promocentro. The research is part of the research line "Family in the socioeconomic context in the Colombian Caribbean: change and continuity", led by researcher, Yomaira Garcia. Shaft: Family and Territory. The above body of the macro-going research, "Dialogue of knowledge: a strategy to increase participation of stakeholders in the historic center of Barranquilla.
Palabras clave
Estudio socioeconómico, Vendedores ambulantes, Centro histórico, Study socioeconomic, Peddlers, Historical center