La gamificación como estrategia didáctica para mejorar el aprendizaje de vocabulario en inglés, en estudiantes de sexto grado del Colegio Cristo Obrero
Vera Rincón, Yaneth Rocío
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El siguiente estudio tiene como tema central a la gamificación como estrategia didáctica para mejorar tanto la enseñanza como el aprendizaje de vocabulario en inglés. De este modo, se exponen las diferentes problemáticas relacionadas con el aprendizaje del inglés dentro de la institución, así como la implementación de ideas en estudios previos cuyos contextos de estudio tuvieron lugar en su mayoría en países latino americanos y en el contexto Colombiano, para dar cuenta del impacto positivo de la estrategia que podría convertirse en un paraíso de creatividad educativa, ya que al usar los elementos usados en los juego, ofrece la gran oportunidad de diseñar gran cantidad de actividades educativas basadas en juegos digitales y la combinación de plataformas sociales. El estudio se enfocó en el paradigma interpretativo a través del cual se buscaba obtener una mejor comprensión de distintos aspectos dentro del contexto, entre ellos, las prácticas de enseñanza y los fundamentos bajo las cuales han sido configuradas en los últimos años, especialmente durante la primaria. Por otra parte, también se quiso realizar un diagnóstico de las experiencias obtenidas por los estudiantes con el fin de descubrir fortalezas y oportunidades de mejora que apoyarán el desarrollo de nuevas ideas dentro de la dinámica educativa. Por último, con el soporte teórico y principios de la gamificación se logró diseñar una ruta que hiciera posible el diseño de experiencias utilizando la estrategia de la gamificación para potenciar la competencia comunicativa, especialmente el componente del léxico. Como conclusiones del estudio se destacan las grandes limitaciones que existen por parte de los docentes no especialistas en la enseñanza del Inglés en comprender las orientaciones pedagógicas establecidas desde el MEN debido a su falta de preparación didáctica para enseñar la lengua extranjera, por otra parte se reconoce la gran necesidad de articular más la planeación de las clases a los intereses de los estudiantes con el fin de potenciar los aprendizajes dentro y fuera del aula, por último, se destaca el diseño de la ruta, como una estrategia útil para mejorar la planeación de las clases haciendo uso de los elementos del juego para aumentar la motivación y el compromiso de los estudiantes con su propio aprendizaje
The following study focuses on gamification as a didactic strategy to improve both the teaching and learning of vocabulary in English. In this way, the different problems related to learning English within the institution are exposed, as well as the implementation of ideas in previous studies whose study contexts took place mostly in Latin American countries and in the Colombian context to account for the positive impact of the strategy that could become a paradise of educational creativity, since by using the elements used in the games, it offers a great opportunity to design a large number of educational activities based on digital games and the combination of social platforms. The study focuses on the interpretive paradigm through which it seeks to obtain a better understanding of different aspects within the context, among them, the teaching practices and the foundations under which they have been configured, especially during primary school. We also want to carry out a diagnosis of the experiences obtained by the students in order to discover strengths and opportunities for improvement that support the development of new ideas within the educational dynamics. Finally, with the theoretical support and principles of gamification, it is intended to design a route that guides the design of experiences using the gamification strategy to enhance communicative competence, especially the lexicon component. As conclusions of the study, the great limitations that exist on the part of non-specialist teachers in the teaching of English in understanding the pedagogical guidelines established by the MEN due to their lack of didactic preparation to teach the foreign language, on the other hand, it is recognized the great need to articulate more the planning of the classes to the interests of the students in order to enhance learning inside and outside the classroom, finally, the design of the route is highlighted, as a useful strategy to improve the planning of the classes making use of the elements of the game to increase the motivation and the commitment of the students with their own learning
The following study focuses on gamification as a didactic strategy to improve both the teaching and learning of vocabulary in English. In this way, the different problems related to learning English within the institution are exposed, as well as the implementation of ideas in previous studies whose study contexts took place mostly in Latin American countries and in the Colombian context to account for the positive impact of the strategy that could become a paradise of educational creativity, since by using the elements used in the games, it offers a great opportunity to design a large number of educational activities based on digital games and the combination of social platforms. The study focuses on the interpretive paradigm through which it seeks to obtain a better understanding of different aspects within the context, among them, the teaching practices and the foundations under which they have been configured, especially during primary school. We also want to carry out a diagnosis of the experiences obtained by the students in order to discover strengths and opportunities for improvement that support the development of new ideas within the educational dynamics. Finally, with the theoretical support and principles of gamification, it is intended to design a route that guides the design of experiences using the gamification strategy to enhance communicative competence, especially the lexicon component. As conclusions of the study, the great limitations that exist on the part of non-specialist teachers in the teaching of English in understanding the pedagogical guidelines established by the MEN due to their lack of didactic preparation to teach the foreign language, on the other hand, it is recognized the great need to articulate more the planning of the classes to the interests of the students in order to enhance learning inside and outside the classroom, finally, the design of the route is highlighted, as a useful strategy to improve the planning of the classes making use of the elements of the game to increase the motivation and the commitment of the students with their own learning
Palabras clave
Gamificación, Aprendizaje, Enseñanza, Inglés, Motivación, Gamification, Design, Learning, Teaching, English