Influencia del riesgo social en la teoría de la mente y funciones ejecutivas de adolescentes colombianos.
Urquijo, María Fernanda
Zapata, Luis Felipe
Lewis, Soraya
Pineda Alhuecema, Wilmar
Doria Falquez, Laura
Lopera Pérez, Diana C.
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Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la influencia del riesgo
social en el rendimiento, en tareas de Funciones Ejecutivas (FE) y
Teoría de la Mente (ToM) en adolescentes colombianos. Participaron
78 adolescentes (41 en riesgo social y 37 controles) entre los 13 y 16
años de edad seleccionados a través de un muestreo intencional. Se
administró el Test de Palabras y Colores de Stroop, el Test de la Pirámide
de México y el Test de Falso Paso para evaluar control inhibitorio,
planificación y ToM, respectivamente. A pesar de que no se encontraron
diferencias significativas en las FE de control inhibitorio y planificación,
se encontraron diferencias en el desempeño en algunas dimensiones de
la prueba de ToM. Adicionalmente, mientras que al interior del grupo
sin riesgo social se observó una relación entre la ToM y las FE evaluadas,
al interior del grupo en riesgo social estos procesos no estuvieron
relacionados. Se concluye que un entorno de riesgo social parece no
afectar las FE de control inhibitorio y planificación o la habilidad para
detectar comportamientos inapropiados, pero sí la habilidad para realizar
inferencias acerca de los estados mentales de los otros. Asimismo, un
entorno de riesgo social es un factor ambiental que parece disociar el
proceso de desarrollo de la cognición social y de los procesos ejecutivos en
adolescentes, desarrollo que debería darse de manera paralela.
The objective of the present study was to determine the influence of social risk in the performance of Colombian adolescents in ToM and EF tasks. The participants were 78 adolescents (41 in social risk and 37 controls) between 13 and 16 years of age. The Stroop Test, the Pyramid of Mexico subtest and the Faux Pas Recognition Test where used to assess inhibitory Control, Planning and ToM in the participants, respectively. Although no significant differences were found in the executive functions of Inhibiting Control and Planning, some differences were found in the performance of the ToM test. Additionally, whereas in the control group a relationship between ToM and executive functions was observed, in the at social risk group these processes were not related. These findings reveal that being at social risk does not affect the Executive Functions of Control and Planning but it does have an effect in the ability to make inferences about the mental states of others. Moreover, being at social risk can be an environmental factor that can dissociate the development process of social cognition and executive functions, which are supposed to occur parallelly.
The objective of the present study was to determine the influence of social risk in the performance of Colombian adolescents in ToM and EF tasks. The participants were 78 adolescents (41 in social risk and 37 controls) between 13 and 16 years of age. The Stroop Test, the Pyramid of Mexico subtest and the Faux Pas Recognition Test where used to assess inhibitory Control, Planning and ToM in the participants, respectively. Although no significant differences were found in the executive functions of Inhibiting Control and Planning, some differences were found in the performance of the ToM test. Additionally, whereas in the control group a relationship between ToM and executive functions was observed, in the at social risk group these processes were not related. These findings reveal that being at social risk does not affect the Executive Functions of Control and Planning but it does have an effect in the ability to make inferences about the mental states of others. Moreover, being at social risk can be an environmental factor that can dissociate the development process of social cognition and executive functions, which are supposed to occur parallelly.
Palabras clave
Teoría de la mente, Funciones ejecutivas, Riesgo social, Control inhibitorio, Theory of mind, Executive functions, Social risk, Inhibitory control