Situación de la salud sexual y reproductiva de los estudiantes de la facultad de las ciencias de la salud de la Universidad Simón Bolívar en Barranquilla durante el año 2019.
Ariza Martinez, Adriano Jose
Fontalvo Cortes, Daniela Andrea
Miranda Miranda, Jessica Del Carmen
Peinado Torres, Nazly Eydith
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El presente trabajo tiene como Objetivo: determinar la situación de salud sexual y
reproductiva de los estudiantes de la facultad de las ciencias de la salud de la
Universidad Simón Bolívar de la ciudad de Barranquilla durante el 2019. Materiales
y métodos: estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, no experimental, de corte transversal,
con una población constituida por 3.222 estudiantes y una muestra de 306;
utilizándose como técnica de recolección de la información una encuesta realizada
virtualmente. Resultados: los porcentajes más elevados se presentaron en el sexo
femenino (71,9%), la edad entre 20 y 24 años (54,8%), la religión católica
practicante (34,3%), el nivel socioeconómico medio (71%), la región de origen fue
la atlántica (79,3%). El 87,6% recibió información de planificación familiar, la fuente
más consultada fue el hospital (28,3%), medios consultados personal de la salud
41%, el 60,6% utilizó preservativo en su primera relación sexual, el método
anticonceptivo más utilizados condón (34,5), el 20% no utiliza ningún método
actualmente, el 29,9% de embarazos fueron no planificados, el 58% no tiene pareja
estable, el 57% tienen relación con dos personas y el 14,2% con más de dos
personas, el 58,6% manifestó no haber utilizado el condón en su última relación
sexual, el 56,1% manifestó no tomar medidas para infectar a su compañero sexual.
Conclusión: Se demostró la situación de salud sexual y reproductiva de los
estudiantes universitarios, constituyéndose en un referente importante para futuras
investigaciones que disminuyan los factores de riesgos a los cuales están expuestos
los estudiantes universitarios.
The objective of this work is to determine the sexual and reproductive health situation of the students of the faculty of health sciences of the Simón Bolívar University of the city of Barranquilla during 2019. Materials and methods: quantitative, descriptive study, non-experimental, cross-sectional, with a population of 3,222 students and a sample of 306; using as a information collection technique a survey conducted virtually. Results: the highest percentages were in the female sex (71.9%), the age between 20 and 24 years (54.8%), the practicing Catholic religion (34.3%), the average socioeconomic level (71 %), the region of origin was the Atlantic (79.3%). 87.6% received family planning information, the most consulted source was the hospital (28.3%), media consulted health personnel 41%, 60.6% used condoms in their first sexual intercourse, the contraceptive method most used condom (34.5), 20% do not currently use any method, 29.9% of pregnancies were unplanned, 58% have no stable partner, 57% are related to two people and 14.2 % with more than two people, 58.6% said they had not used the condom in their last sexual relationship, 56.1% said they did not take measures to infect their sexual partner. Conclusion: The situation of sexual and reproductive health of university students was demonstrated, becoming an important reference for future research that reduces the risk factors to which university students are exposed.
The objective of this work is to determine the sexual and reproductive health situation of the students of the faculty of health sciences of the Simón Bolívar University of the city of Barranquilla during 2019. Materials and methods: quantitative, descriptive study, non-experimental, cross-sectional, with a population of 3,222 students and a sample of 306; using as a information collection technique a survey conducted virtually. Results: the highest percentages were in the female sex (71.9%), the age between 20 and 24 years (54.8%), the practicing Catholic religion (34.3%), the average socioeconomic level (71 %), the region of origin was the Atlantic (79.3%). 87.6% received family planning information, the most consulted source was the hospital (28.3%), media consulted health personnel 41%, 60.6% used condoms in their first sexual intercourse, the contraceptive method most used condom (34.5), 20% do not currently use any method, 29.9% of pregnancies were unplanned, 58% have no stable partner, 57% are related to two people and 14.2 % with more than two people, 58.6% said they had not used the condom in their last sexual relationship, 56.1% said they did not take measures to infect their sexual partner. Conclusion: The situation of sexual and reproductive health of university students was demonstrated, becoming an important reference for future research that reduces the risk factors to which university students are exposed.
Palabras clave
Salud sexual y reproductiva, Infecciones de transmisión sexual, Estudiantes universitarios, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexually transmitted infections, University students