Estudio de evaluación de la calidad de las ofertas turísticas del departamento de la Guajira
Mejía González, Loreley Patricia
Bolaño Rodríguez, Luima Yanet
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El presente proyecto de investigación busca hacer un análisis a la realidad del turismo en el
Departamento de la Guajira, con el propósito de evaluar la calidad con que éste se oferta, de
esta manera se podrán identificar sus ventajas y desventajas comparativas que permitan
diseñar estrategias orientadas a mejorar su imagen y posicionamiento en el mercado buscando
la satisfacción del consumidor mejorando la calidad de vida a ciertos grupos o comunidades
involucrándolas a ellas en el proceso de desarrollo a la calidad turística.
Se espera que con este estudio de evaluación a las ofertas y potencial turístico del
Departamento de La Guajira , los agentes responsable del desarrollo de esta región como los
entes gu bemamentales y nacionales , tomen estas ventajas y desventajas como algo positivo
dándole visión entorno a la imagen de un destino turístico y el proceso global de satisfacción
de los consumidores.
Teniendo en cuenta que el turismo representa un potencial enorme de desarrollo y
progreso en el cual se beneficia el Departamento con sus Municipios pueblos, comunidades,
rancherías, caseríos, en una mezcla del etnoturismo y del ecoturísmo que hacen de este una
gran diversidad para fomentarlo Nacional e Internacionalmente.
This research are looking to analyze the reality of tourism in the La Guajira's Department, in order to evaluate the quality with which it is offered and in this way identify their comparative advantages and disadvantages, that allow to design strategies to improve its image and position in the searching for consumer satisfaction by improving the qual ity of life for certain groups or communities involving them in the process of developing quality tourism. Wlth this evaluative study of the offers and touristic potential of the La Guajira's Department, is expected that the agents responsible for the development of this region as well as govemment and national entities, takes these advantages and disadvantages as something positive that giving vision to the environment and to the image of a tourist destination and to the global process of consumer satisfaction. Considerlng that tourlsm is a huge potential for development and progress which benefrts the Department with its municipalities, towns, communities, Rancherias, hamlets, in a mixture of ethnic tourism and ecotourism that make this a great diversity to promote it nationally and intemationally.
This research are looking to analyze the reality of tourism in the La Guajira's Department, in order to evaluate the quality with which it is offered and in this way identify their comparative advantages and disadvantages, that allow to design strategies to improve its image and position in the searching for consumer satisfaction by improving the qual ity of life for certain groups or communities involving them in the process of developing quality tourism. Wlth this evaluative study of the offers and touristic potential of the La Guajira's Department, is expected that the agents responsible for the development of this region as well as govemment and national entities, takes these advantages and disadvantages as something positive that giving vision to the environment and to the image of a tourist destination and to the global process of consumer satisfaction. Considerlng that tourlsm is a huge potential for development and progress which benefrts the Department with its municipalities, towns, communities, Rancherias, hamlets, in a mixture of ethnic tourism and ecotourism that make this a great diversity to promote it nationally and intemationally.
Palabras clave
Ecoturismo, Calidad Turística, Potencial turístico, Ethnic tourlsm, Ecotourism, Tourlstlc qualíty, Tourlsm potential