Gobierno sostenible: rehabilitación urbana Cúcuta
Peñaranda Rodríguez, María Valentina
Rodríguez Buitrago, Omar Santiago
Sayago Rodríguez, Andrea Carolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La forma de concebir la sociedad ha cambiado drásticamente por los cambios paulatinos de los efectos que la economía ha realizado en el medioambiente, dentro del cual, se encuentra el urbanismo. En esta investigación se hará un análisis y conceptualización de las políticas públicas, objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, y, gobernanza, para posterior a ello, reconocer cual ha sido la implementación de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en la definición de políticas públicas en función del desarrollo sostenible de la ciudad de Cúcuta. El ámbito metodológico de la investigación es de tipo descriptivo y cualitativo, como quiera que en la investigación se realizaran análisis de normatividad que tiene como punto de partida la rehabilitación urbana de la ciudad de Cúcuta. Para ello se identificará la implementación de perspectiva de desarrollo sostenible por parte de la administración municipal de Cúcuta; la pertinencia o resultados de la
orientación hacía el desarrollo en la ciudad de Cúcuta; y, las oportunidades que trae consigo la implementación de objetivos desarrollo sostenible en la ciudad de Cúcuta.
The way of conceiving society has changed drastically due to the gradual changes in the effects that the economy has had on the environment, within which urbanism is located. In this research, an analysis and conceptualization of public policies, sustainable development objectives, and governance will be made, for after that, to recognize what has been the implementation of the sustainable development objectives in the definition of public policies based on development. sustainable development of the city of Cúcuta. The methodological scope of the research is descriptive and qualitative, as the research will carry out regulatory analysis that has as its starting point the urban rehabilitation of the city of Cúcuta. To this end, the implementation of the sustainable development perspective by the municipal administration of Cúcuta Will. be identified; the relevance or results of the development orientation in the city of Cúcuta; and, the opportunities that the implementation of sustainable development objectives brings with it in the city of Cúcuta
The way of conceiving society has changed drastically due to the gradual changes in the effects that the economy has had on the environment, within which urbanism is located. In this research, an analysis and conceptualization of public policies, sustainable development objectives, and governance will be made, for after that, to recognize what has been the implementation of the sustainable development objectives in the definition of public policies based on development. sustainable development of the city of Cúcuta. The methodological scope of the research is descriptive and qualitative, as the research will carry out regulatory analysis that has as its starting point the urban rehabilitation of the city of Cúcuta. To this end, the implementation of the sustainable development perspective by the municipal administration of Cúcuta Will. be identified; the relevance or results of the development orientation in the city of Cúcuta; and, the opportunities that the implementation of sustainable development objectives brings with it in the city of Cúcuta
Palabras clave
Objetivos de desarrollo sostenibles, Políticas públicas, Fines estatales, Normatividad pública, Sociedad colombiana, Población vulnerable, Sustainable development goals, Public policies, State purposes, Public regulations, Colombian society, Vulnerable population