Relación de la inteligencia emocional y acoso escolar en adolescentes
Valenzuela-Aparicio, Yulieth Paola
Olivares-Sandoval, Shirley Karina
Figueroa-Ferrer, Elkin Manuel
Carrillo-Sierra, Sandra Milena
Hernández-Lalinde, Juan
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Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. CIDE
Objetivo. Analizar la relación entre la inteligencia emocional y el acoso escolar en estudiantado de
noveno y décimo de secundaria de una institución educativa, debido a que son dos aspectos que
resultan significativos en la educación por aportar a la construcción de relaciones sociales positivas.
Metodología. Enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental de corte transaccional y un alcance
correlacional. La muestra es de tipo sistemático de 141 estudiantes de grados noveno y décimo de
secundaria de una institución educativa. La recolección de los datos se hizo por medio de la técnica
del cuestionario autoadministrado; los instrumentos utilizados fueron: TMMS-24 e Insebull, aptos
para población colombiana. Tras la sistematización se analizaron los datos con apoyo del paquete
estadístico SPSS correlacional. Resultado. Al relacionar las dimensiones del acoso escolar –como
falta de integración social, inadaptación social y carencia de soluciones– con las dimensiones de
la inteligencia emocional, se encontró una relación significativa e inversamente proporcional con
claridad emocional y reparación emocional. Por ende, los sujetos no cuentan con recursos suficientes
para salir de situaciones de acoso, dado que no comprenden y tampoco regulan sus estados
emocionales, lo cual impide que acudan por ayuda para la solución del conflicto. Conclusión. De
esta manera, a nivel general la variable de inteligencia emocional actúa de manera independiente:
pese que el estudiantado presente altos niveles de inteligencia emocional, ello no lo exime de
situaciones de acoso escolar, debido que no es la única variable que interviene en este fenómeno
de los contextos educativos. Es decir, la relación entre las variables de inteligencia emocional y acoso
escolar presentan una débil correlación según el coeficiente de Spearman Brown.
Objective. To analyze the relationship between emotional intelligence and bullying in ninth and tenth-grade students of an educational institution, since these two aspects are significant in education because they contribute to the construction of positive social relationships. Methodology. It is a quantitative approach of a non-experimental design with a transactional cut and a correlational scope. The sample was a systematic sample of 141 ninth and tenth-grade high school students from an educational institution. Data were collected implementing a self-administered questionnaire technique; the instruments used were TMMS-24 and INSEBULL, suitable for the Colombian population. After systematization, the data were analyzed using the SPSS correlational statistical package. Results. When relating the dimensions of bullying such as lack of social integration, social maladjustment, and lack of solutions, with the dimensions of emotional intelligence, a significant and inversely proportional relationship was found with emotional clarity and emotional repair, therefore the subjects do not have sufficient resources to get out of bullying situations, since they do not understand and do not regulate their emotional states, preventing them from seeking help for the solution of the conflict when it is necessary. Conclusion. Thus, at a general level, the emotional intelligence variable acts independently. Despite the fact that the students present high levels of emotional intelligence, they are not exempt from bullying situations, because it is not the only variable involved in this phenomenon in educational contexts, i.e., the relationship between the variables of emotional intelligence and bullying has a weak correlation according to Spearman Brown's coefficient.
Objective. To analyze the relationship between emotional intelligence and bullying in ninth and tenth-grade students of an educational institution, since these two aspects are significant in education because they contribute to the construction of positive social relationships. Methodology. It is a quantitative approach of a non-experimental design with a transactional cut and a correlational scope. The sample was a systematic sample of 141 ninth and tenth-grade high school students from an educational institution. Data were collected implementing a self-administered questionnaire technique; the instruments used were TMMS-24 and INSEBULL, suitable for the Colombian population. After systematization, the data were analyzed using the SPSS correlational statistical package. Results. When relating the dimensions of bullying such as lack of social integration, social maladjustment, and lack of solutions, with the dimensions of emotional intelligence, a significant and inversely proportional relationship was found with emotional clarity and emotional repair, therefore the subjects do not have sufficient resources to get out of bullying situations, since they do not understand and do not regulate their emotional states, preventing them from seeking help for the solution of the conflict when it is necessary. Conclusion. Thus, at a general level, the emotional intelligence variable acts independently. Despite the fact that the students present high levels of emotional intelligence, they are not exempt from bullying situations, because it is not the only variable involved in this phenomenon in educational contexts, i.e., the relationship between the variables of emotional intelligence and bullying has a weak correlation according to Spearman Brown's coefficient.
Palabras clave
Acoso escolar, Afectividad, Competencia para la vida, Educación, Inteligencia emocional, Bullying, Affectivity, Life skills, Education, Emotional intelligence