Atención de los reportes y querellas de casos de acoso laboral ante el ministerio de trabajo del sector empresarial de Cúcuta
Carreño Paez, Edith Yamile
García Montoya, Angela María
Ocampo Aristizabal, María Fernanda
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente trabajo de investigación, tuvo como propósito principal analizar el manejo de atención sobre las denuncias o casos presentados en relación al Acoso Laboral de la Ley 1010 del 2006 en los trabajadores de empresas de la ciudad de Cúcuta, la presente investigación se realizó desde un paradigma histórico hermenéutico que permitió evidenciar cosas importantes, además ,teniendo en cuenta que dicha norma es relativamente nueva en el ordenamiento jurídico Colombiano y que ha sido criticada por muchos estudiosos del tema, dicha investigación se encuentra dividida en tres grandes momentos, la primera es la aplicabilidad de la ley, la segunda la ineficacia y la tercera el manejo por parte de las autoridades competentes , obteniéndose como resultados, que esta ley no fue expedida de manera correcta, pues se excluyeron importantes sectores de la sociedad los cuales se encuentran directamente afectados, así las cosas se llega a concluir que la norma presenta muchos vacíos sustanciales y procedimentales, lo que dificulta que su aplicación sea objetiva, concreta y razonable de acuerdo a los parámetros que se establecieron para esa época
The main purpose of this research work was to analyze the handling of the complaints or cases presented in relation to the Labor Harassment of Law 1010 of 2006 in the workers of companies in the city of Cúcuta, the present investigation was carried out from a historical hermeneutic paradigm that made it possible to show important things, also taking into account that this norm is relatively new in the Colombian legal system and has been criticized by many scholars of the subject, this research is divided into three great moments, the first is the applicability of the law, the second the inefficiency and the third the management by the competent authorities, obtaining as results, that this law was not issued correctly, because important sectors of society were excluded which are directly affected, so things get to conclude that the rule presents many gaps substantial and procedural, which makes it difficult to apply it objectively, specifically and reasonably according to the parameters established for that time.
The main purpose of this research work was to analyze the handling of the complaints or cases presented in relation to the Labor Harassment of Law 1010 of 2006 in the workers of companies in the city of Cúcuta, the present investigation was carried out from a historical hermeneutic paradigm that made it possible to show important things, also taking into account that this norm is relatively new in the Colombian legal system and has been criticized by many scholars of the subject, this research is divided into three great moments, the first is the applicability of the law, the second the inefficiency and the third the management by the competent authorities, obtaining as results, that this law was not issued correctly, because important sectors of society were excluded which are directly affected, so things get to conclude that the rule presents many gaps substantial and procedural, which makes it difficult to apply it objectively, specifically and reasonably according to the parameters established for that time.
Palabras clave
Acoso laboral, Ineficiencia de la ley, Aplicabilidad de la ley, Ministerio de Trabajo, Sector empresarial, Labor harassment, Inefficiency of the law, Applicability of the law, Ministry of Labor, Business sector