Factores de la violencia intrafamiliar en mujeres entre 20 y 40 años del barrio Trigal del Norte de la ciudad de Cúcuta
Alarcón Rojas, Yirlenis
Becerra Quintero, Paula Daniela
Guaza Amaris, Jaider Jhoan
Gómez Pinilla, Gabriela
Núñez Bermúdez, María Lucia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Este proyecto de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar qué factores están
inmiscuidos en la violencia intrafamiliar con mujeres en edades de 20 y 40 años, del barrio El
Trigal ubicado en la ciudad de Cúcuta. La base teórica sobre la cual se apoyó este estudio se
compone principalmente de unos conceptos que son: familia, mujer, violencia intrafamiliar y
factores socioculturales. Se optó por una perspectiva basada en el paradigma hermenéutico
interpretativo, con enfoque cualitativo y diseño de investigación fenomenológico. La muestra
estuvo compuesta por 15 mujeres. Como instrumento para la recolección de datos se desarrolló
una entrevista semiestructurada compuesta por 26 preguntas; 9 de ellas pertenecientes a la
dimensión de conflictos intrafamiliares; 8 referentes a la igualdad; 2 relacionadas a factores
culturales y; 7 dirigidas a indagar acerca de factores sociales. Entre los resultados más
representativos se encontró que: a) Ninguna de las mujeres manifestó ser víctima de violencia
intrafamiliar; b) Las causas de violencia intrafamiliar más mencionadas por las entrevistadas
fueron la falta de comunicación, el aprendizaje de conductas violentas durante la infancia y la falta
de establecimiento de límites; c) Los factores culturales más destacados en esta problemática
fueron los dichos, creencias culturales que reafirman los comportamientos machistas.
The objective of this research project was to determine which factors are involved in domestic violence with women between 20 and 40 years of age in the El Trigal neighborhood located in the city of Cúcuta. The theoretical basis on which this study was based is composed mainly of the following concepts: family, women, domestic violence, and sociocultural factors. A perspective based on the interpretative hermeneutic paradigm was chosen, with a qualitative approach and a phenomenological research design. The sample consisted of 15 women. A semi structured interview composed of 26 questions was developed as an instrument for data collection; 9 of them pertaining to the dimension of intra-family conflicts; 8 referring to equality; 2 related to cultural factors; and 7 aimed at inquiring about social factors. Among the most representative results it was found that: a) None of the women stated that they were victims of domestic violence; b) The causes of domestic violence most mentioned by the interviewees were lack of communication, learning violent behaviors during childhood and failure to establish limits; c) The most important cultural factors in this problem were sayings, cultural beliefs that reaffirm macho behaviors.
The objective of this research project was to determine which factors are involved in domestic violence with women between 20 and 40 years of age in the El Trigal neighborhood located in the city of Cúcuta. The theoretical basis on which this study was based is composed mainly of the following concepts: family, women, domestic violence, and sociocultural factors. A perspective based on the interpretative hermeneutic paradigm was chosen, with a qualitative approach and a phenomenological research design. The sample consisted of 15 women. A semi structured interview composed of 26 questions was developed as an instrument for data collection; 9 of them pertaining to the dimension of intra-family conflicts; 8 referring to equality; 2 related to cultural factors; and 7 aimed at inquiring about social factors. Among the most representative results it was found that: a) None of the women stated that they were victims of domestic violence; b) The causes of domestic violence most mentioned by the interviewees were lack of communication, learning violent behaviors during childhood and failure to establish limits; c) The most important cultural factors in this problem were sayings, cultural beliefs that reaffirm macho behaviors.
Palabras clave
Violencia intrafamiliar, Cultura, Sexismo, Mujeres, Machismo, Domestic violence, Culture, Sexism, Women, Machismo