Influencia de la educación sexual en la maternidad adolescente en el departamento Norte de Santander, Colombia
Albornoz-Arias, Neida
Mazuera-Arias, Rina
Carreño-Paredes, Myriam-Teresa
Vivas-García, Marisela
Cuberos, María-Antonia
Ramírez-Martínez, Carolina
Ortíz, Fernando A.
Bermúdez, Valmore
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
El embarazo adolescente puede prevenirse a través de una
adecuada educación sexual en la familia y la escuela, debido
a que el mismo implica riesgos para la salud física y psicológica
de la adolescente. Este estudio es cuantitativo y analiza
la influencia de la educación sexual en la maternidad adolescente
en Norte de Santander, Colombia, considerando la
información de 406 mujeres con edades entre 10 y 19 años.
Se realizaron dos modelos de regresión logística binaria:
1) Educación sexual recibida en la escuela y 2) Educación
sexual recibida en la familia. Como variables explicativas a)
Conocimiento del ciclo menstrual y período fértil y b) Uso de
preservativo en la primera relación sexual. Solo el Modelo 2
demostró que la Educación sexual familiar influye en el conocimiento
corporal. Se concluye que las(os) adolescentes no
son consideradas(os) sujetos de derechos.
Adolescent pregnancy can be prevented through appropriate sexual education in the family and school, because it implies risks to the physical and psychological health of the adolescent. This study is quantitative and analyzes the influence of sexual education on adolescent motherhood in Norte de Santander, Colombia, considering the information of 406 women aged between 10 and 19 years. Two binary logistic regression models were carried out: 1) Sex education received in school and 2) Sex education received in the family. As explanatory variables a) Knowledge of the menstrual cycle and fertile period and b) Condom use in the first sexual relationship. Only Model 2 demonstrated that Family Sex Education influences body knowledge. It is concluded that adolescents are not considered as subjects of rights.
Adolescent pregnancy can be prevented through appropriate sexual education in the family and school, because it implies risks to the physical and psychological health of the adolescent. This study is quantitative and analyzes the influence of sexual education on adolescent motherhood in Norte de Santander, Colombia, considering the information of 406 women aged between 10 and 19 years. Two binary logistic regression models were carried out: 1) Sex education received in school and 2) Sex education received in the family. As explanatory variables a) Knowledge of the menstrual cycle and fertile period and b) Condom use in the first sexual relationship. Only Model 2 demonstrated that Family Sex Education influences body knowledge. It is concluded that adolescents are not considered as subjects of rights.
Palabras clave
Adolescencia, Maternidad adolescente, Educación sexual, Ciclo menstrual, Período fértil, Preservativo, Derechos sexuales y reproductivos, Adolescence, Teenage motherhood, Sexual education, Menstrual cycle, Fertile period, Preservative, Sexual and reproductive rights