Las reales causas y consecuencias del accidente de trabajo in itinere
Baldovino Payares, Kelly Juranis
Guerrero Correa, Indira Elena
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente ensayo hace como referencia a lo que son los accidentes de trabajo in itinere, sus causas y consecuencias, no solo en lo que concierne a Colombia, si no a otros países que dentro de sus legislaciones han hecho una distinción de lo que son estos accidentes de tipo laboral, las posiciones de la Corte Suprema y de la Corte Constitucional, pero también aquellas posiciones que no consideran el accidente de trabajo in itinere como un accidente de tipo laboral. Por ejemplo, en España es necesario hablar de tres elementos fundamentales para la configuración de los accidentes de trabajo in itinere, a saber, tenemos un elemento subjetivo, un elemento objetivo y por supuesto un elemento causal este ultimo de gran importancia. Países como Argentina y Chile que también reconoce el accidente in itinere como un caso de accidente laboral. Por su parte Colombia, y su legislación consideran los casos in itinere como accidente laboral porque en ella opera la teoría del riesgo creado al estar en cabeza del empleador la responsabilidad de la proporción del transporte para el desplazamiento y todo lo que con si conlleva, para esto también es determinante
que se establezcan cuatros requisitos importantes lo cuales son: en primera medida como ya se estimó anteriormente, la proporción del vehículo para el desplazamiento por parte del empleador, en segunda medida que el desplazamiento sea de su lugar de residencia al trabajo y viceversa, en tercer lugar que ocurra fuera del lugar de trabajo y en cuarto que sea por fuera del tiempo de trabajo. Contamos con un sistema general de riesgos laborales el cual es el encargado de la parte preventiva y de la atención de cualquier situación de riesgo que conlleve a una enfermedad o a un accidente por parte del trabajador afiliado, este sistema establece su definición en la Ley 1295 de 1994 en su artículo primero. Y es precisamente uno de esos riesgos que es materia de estudio de nuestro ensayo son los accidentes laborales, concepto que por primera vez fue utilizado por la ley 57 de 1915, en su artículo primero.
En la actualidad, se considera como accidente de trabajo, la definición consagrada en el artículo 3 de la ley 1562 de 2012 entendiendo a este como “Es accidente de trabajo todo suceso repentino que sobrevenga por causa o con ocasión del trabajo, y que produzca en el trabajador una lesión orgánica, una perturbación funcional o psiquiátrica, una invalidez o la muerte. Aquel que se produce durante la ejecución de órdenes del empleador, o contratante durante la ejecución de una labor bajo su autoridad, aún fuera del lugar y horas de trabajo. El que se produce durante el traslado de los trabajadores o contratistas desde su residencia a los lugares de trabajo o viceversa, cuando el transporte lo suministra el empleador.
El ocurrido durante el ejercicio de la función sindical, aunque el trabajador se encuentre en permiso sindical siempre que el accidente se produzca en cumplimiento de dicha función. El que se produce por la ejecución de actividades recreativas, deportivas o culturales, cuando se actúe por cuenta o en representación del empleador o de la empresa usuaria cuando se trate de trabajadores de empresas de servicios temporales que se encuentren en misión”. Aun cuando la legislación tiene un concepto claro de lo que es un accidente laboral, cuando vamos hacer referencia de un accidente in itinere es cuando resulta ser un tanto confuso o no muy claro cuando lo es y cuando no, ya bien sea por una mala interpretación de quien resulta afectado, que cree que es un accidente laboral, siendo uno de origen común, o su defecto por parte de las ARL para quienes no es un accidente laboral, si no de tipo común. La importancia de este ensayo radica en el impacto social que tiene los accidentes de trabajo in itinere y las causas y consecuencias de los mismos.
This essay refers to the causes and consequences of occupational accidents in itinere, not only in Colombia, but also in other countries that have made a distinction within their legislation of what these occupational accidents are, the positions of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court, but also those positions that do not consider the occupational accident in itinere as an occupational accident. For example, in Spain it is necessary to speak of three fundamental elements for the configuration of the accidents of work in itinere, that is to say, we have a subjective element, an objective element and of course a causal element this last one of great importance. Countries like Argentina and Chile that also recognize the accident in itinere as a case of occupational accident. For its part, Colombia, and its legislation consider in itinere cases as occupational accidents because it operates the theory of risk created by the employer being the responsibility of the proportion of transport for displacement and all that it entails, for This is also decisive that four important requirements are established, which are: firstly, as previously estimated, the proportion of the vehicle for travel by the employer, secondly that the travel is from their place of residence to work and vice versa, thirdly that it occurs outside the workplace and fourthly that it occurs outside of work time. We have a general system of occupational risks which is in charge of the preventive part and the care of any risk situation that leads to an illness or an accident on the part of the affiliated worker, this system establishes its definition in Law 1295 of 1994 in his first article. And it is precisely one of those risks that is the subject of study in our essay are workplace accidents, a concept that was used for the first time by Law 57 of 1915, in its first article. At present, the definition enshrined in article 3 of Law 1562 of 2012 is considered as a work accident, understanding this as “Any sudden event that occurs due to or on the occasion of work, and that occurs in the worker an organic injury, a functional or psychiatric disturbance, a disability or death. That which occurs during the execution of orders from the employer, or contractor during the execution of work under his authority, even outside the place and hours of work. The one that occurs during the transfer of workers or contractors from their residence to their workplaces or vice versa, when the transport is provided by the employer. The one that occurred during the exercise of the union function, even if the worker is on union leave whenever the accident occurs in compliance with said function. The one produced by the execution of recreational, sporting or cultural activities, when acting on behalf of or on behalf of the employer or the user company in the case of temporary service company workers who are on mission”. Even though the legislation has a clear concept of what an occupational accident is, when we refer to an accident in itinere it is when it turns out to be somewhat confusing or not very clear when it is and when it is not, either due to a misinterpretation of who is affected, who believes that it is a work accident, being one of common origin, or its defect by the ARL for whom it is not a work accident, if not a common type. The significance of this trial lies in the social impact of accidents work in itinere and the causes and consequences thereof.
This essay refers to the causes and consequences of occupational accidents in itinere, not only in Colombia, but also in other countries that have made a distinction within their legislation of what these occupational accidents are, the positions of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court, but also those positions that do not consider the occupational accident in itinere as an occupational accident. For example, in Spain it is necessary to speak of three fundamental elements for the configuration of the accidents of work in itinere, that is to say, we have a subjective element, an objective element and of course a causal element this last one of great importance. Countries like Argentina and Chile that also recognize the accident in itinere as a case of occupational accident. For its part, Colombia, and its legislation consider in itinere cases as occupational accidents because it operates the theory of risk created by the employer being the responsibility of the proportion of transport for displacement and all that it entails, for This is also decisive that four important requirements are established, which are: firstly, as previously estimated, the proportion of the vehicle for travel by the employer, secondly that the travel is from their place of residence to work and vice versa, thirdly that it occurs outside the workplace and fourthly that it occurs outside of work time. We have a general system of occupational risks which is in charge of the preventive part and the care of any risk situation that leads to an illness or an accident on the part of the affiliated worker, this system establishes its definition in Law 1295 of 1994 in his first article. And it is precisely one of those risks that is the subject of study in our essay are workplace accidents, a concept that was used for the first time by Law 57 of 1915, in its first article. At present, the definition enshrined in article 3 of Law 1562 of 2012 is considered as a work accident, understanding this as “Any sudden event that occurs due to or on the occasion of work, and that occurs in the worker an organic injury, a functional or psychiatric disturbance, a disability or death. That which occurs during the execution of orders from the employer, or contractor during the execution of work under his authority, even outside the place and hours of work. The one that occurs during the transfer of workers or contractors from their residence to their workplaces or vice versa, when the transport is provided by the employer. The one that occurred during the exercise of the union function, even if the worker is on union leave whenever the accident occurs in compliance with said function. The one produced by the execution of recreational, sporting or cultural activities, when acting on behalf of or on behalf of the employer or the user company in the case of temporary service company workers who are on mission”. Even though the legislation has a clear concept of what an occupational accident is, when we refer to an accident in itinere it is when it turns out to be somewhat confusing or not very clear when it is and when it is not, either due to a misinterpretation of who is affected, who believes that it is a work accident, being one of common origin, or its defect by the ARL for whom it is not a work accident, if not a common type. The significance of this trial lies in the social impact of accidents work in itinere and the causes and consequences thereof.
Palabras clave
Legislaciones, Transporte, Desplazamiento, Trabajador, Laws, Transportation, Displacement, Employee