Evaluación de las causas de mortalidad por Nefritis Lúpica en Barranquilla 2008 2018
Cotes Araujo, Luis Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: La Nefritis lúpica es una de las complicaciones más relevantes del paciente con lupus eritematoso sistémico. Las causas más comunes de hospitalización en estos pacientes son la actividad de la enfermedad lúpica, principalmente en el riñón y la existencia de procesos infecciosos que pueden generar al paciente compromiso multiorgánico, siendo la vía respiratoria una de las más afectadas, es por ello que el control y seguimiento adecuado del paciente debe ser realizado de manera oportuna y rigurosa. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional de tipo descriptivo transversal con el objetivo de describir los factores asociados a nefropatía lúpica. Datos recogidos a partir de la historia clínica de los pacientes y de la base de datos de la secretaria de salud distrital en la ciudad de Barranquilla entre 2008 y 2018 donde se recogieron las causas directas de mortalidad. Los estadísticos utilizados fueron Pearson, Chi cuadrado y medidas simétricas (v de Cramer y el coeficiente de contingencia según sea apropiado al caso. Resultados: Se observó predominio femenino con un 90.1% en relación con la minoría masculina (9.9%). La principal causa de muerte reportada fue atribuida al shock séptico (35.2%). La mayoría de los pacientes fallecidos correspondieron al régimen subsidiado (65.9%) y el 79.1% se encontraban en edades entre 20-59 años. Se halló relación estadísticamente significativa entre el régimen y la causa directa de muerte (p<0.05). Conclusiones: El predominio femenino fue acorde a la estadística global del lupus eritematoso sistémico. La relación hallada entre régimen y causa directa de muerte vale la pena estudiarla en futuros estudios con estadísticos multivariables para evitar variables confusoras.
Introduction: Lupus nephritis is one of the most relevant complications of the patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. The most common causes of hospitalization in these patients are the activity of lupus disease, mainly in the kidney and the existence of infectious processes that can generate multiorgan involvement, being the airway one of the most affected, which is why the Adequate control and follow-up of the patient must be carried out in a timely and rigorous manner. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study with the objective of describing the factors associated with lupus nephropathy. Data collected from the clinical history of the patients and from the database of the district health secretary in the city of Barranquilla between 2008 and 2018 where the direct causes of mortality were collected. The statistics used were Pearson, Chi square and symmetric measures (Cramer's v and the contingency coefficient as appropriate to the case. Results: Female predominance was observed with 90.1% in relation to the male minority (9.9%). The main cause of reported death was attributed to septic shock (35.2%). Most of the deceased patients corresponded to the subsidized regimen (65.9%) and 79.1% were between the ages of 20-59. Statistically significant relationship was found between the regimen and the direct cause of death (p <0.05) Conclusions: The female predominance was consistent with the global statistics of systemic lupus erythematosus. The relationship found between regime and direct cause of death is worth studying in future studies with multivariable statistics to avoid variables confusing
Introduction: Lupus nephritis is one of the most relevant complications of the patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. The most common causes of hospitalization in these patients are the activity of lupus disease, mainly in the kidney and the existence of infectious processes that can generate multiorgan involvement, being the airway one of the most affected, which is why the Adequate control and follow-up of the patient must be carried out in a timely and rigorous manner. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study with the objective of describing the factors associated with lupus nephropathy. Data collected from the clinical history of the patients and from the database of the district health secretary in the city of Barranquilla between 2008 and 2018 where the direct causes of mortality were collected. The statistics used were Pearson, Chi square and symmetric measures (Cramer's v and the contingency coefficient as appropriate to the case. Results: Female predominance was observed with 90.1% in relation to the male minority (9.9%). The main cause of reported death was attributed to septic shock (35.2%). Most of the deceased patients corresponded to the subsidized regimen (65.9%) and 79.1% were between the ages of 20-59. Statistically significant relationship was found between the regimen and the direct cause of death (p <0.05) Conclusions: The female predominance was consistent with the global statistics of systemic lupus erythematosus. The relationship found between regime and direct cause of death is worth studying in future studies with multivariable statistics to avoid variables confusing
Palabras clave
Lupus eritematoso sistémico, Nefritis lúpica, Mortalidad, Shock séptico, Paro cardio-respiratorio, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Lupus nephritis, Mortality, Female sex, Pearson’s x2, Septic shock, Cardio-respiratory arrest