Aplicabilidad de la felicidad organizacional de los empleados de la empresa Schaller Design & Tecnology SAS, Barranquilla-Colombia
Martínez Marbella, Abel Eduardo
Maldonado Muñoz, Kelis Yohana
Pinto Viloria, Martha Cecilia
Molina Pérez, María Alejandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
En este trabajo de investigación se determinó el nivel de felicidad organizacional de los
trabajadores de la empresa Schaller Design & Technology SAS de la ciudad de Barranquilla para
la proposición de estrategias que permitan potencializar las capacidades del talento humano
respecto a la eficiencia laboral, y a través ello, se permita la estructuración de estrategias dentro
de esta neural área de importancia dentro del a organización objeto de estudio, considerando
necesaria la generación de acciones por encima de la productividad y eficiencia organizacional, y
en mayor articulación con el recurso humano.
En este orden de ideas, metodológicamente la investigación desarrolló un enfoque
cuantitativo y un método descriptivo, una encuesta tipo Likert con quince (15) preguntas
dirigidas a solucionar la problemática, la investigación conto con una población y muestra de 21
individuos, para la aplicación del instrumento fue empleada la técnica de trabajo de campo,
validada por expertos, representando una alta confiabilidad para proceder con su aplicación. En
cuanto a los resultados se refiere, se encontró un alto nivel de satisfacción laboral con referencia
a aspectos como el entorno laboral y la motivación, los cuales permitieron establecer las
estrategias dirigidas a fortalecer la felicidad dentro de la organización, para ello, concluyendo,
entre otros aspectos, consideraciones relevantes respecto a la ampliación del tamaño muestral
para investigaciones futuras, lo cual incite a seguir estudiando los factores que afectan la
felicidad organizacional y como esta se relaciona con la productividad del trabajador en la
In this research work the level of organizational happiness of the workers of the company Schaller Design & Technology SAS of the city of Barranquilla was determined for the proposal of strategies that allow the potentiation of the capacities of the human talent regarding labor efficiency, and through this, it allows the structuring of strategies within this neural area of importance within the organization under study, taking into account as a basis the need of today's organizations to generate actions that go beyond productivity and organizational efficiency, and in greater articulation with the human resource. In this order of ideas, methodologically the research developed a quantitative approach and a method from the descriptive perspective, a Likert scale survey, which consisted of fifteen (15) questions aimed at deepening the knowledge and solution of the problem, the research counted with a population and sample of 21 individuals, as the main element for data collection and application through the fieldwork modality of the survey, which was validated through the technique of expert judgment, thus representing a high reliability to proceed with the application of the instrument. As far as the results are concerned, a high level of job satisfaction was found with reference to aspects such as work environment and motivation, which allowed to establish strategies aimed at strengthening organizational happiness within the organization under study, concluding, among other aspects, relevant considerations regarding the expansion of the sample size for future research, which encourages further study of the factors that affect organizational happiness and how it relates to worker productivity in the organization.
In this research work the level of organizational happiness of the workers of the company Schaller Design & Technology SAS of the city of Barranquilla was determined for the proposal of strategies that allow the potentiation of the capacities of the human talent regarding labor efficiency, and through this, it allows the structuring of strategies within this neural area of importance within the organization under study, taking into account as a basis the need of today's organizations to generate actions that go beyond productivity and organizational efficiency, and in greater articulation with the human resource. In this order of ideas, methodologically the research developed a quantitative approach and a method from the descriptive perspective, a Likert scale survey, which consisted of fifteen (15) questions aimed at deepening the knowledge and solution of the problem, the research counted with a population and sample of 21 individuals, as the main element for data collection and application through the fieldwork modality of the survey, which was validated through the technique of expert judgment, thus representing a high reliability to proceed with the application of the instrument. As far as the results are concerned, a high level of job satisfaction was found with reference to aspects such as work environment and motivation, which allowed to establish strategies aimed at strengthening organizational happiness within the organization under study, concluding, among other aspects, relevant considerations regarding the expansion of the sample size for future research, which encourages further study of the factors that affect organizational happiness and how it relates to worker productivity in the organization.
Palabras clave
Clima organizacional, Felicidad organizacional, Organizaciones, Organizational climate, Organizational happiness, Organizations