Sedimentos del río Magdalena como posible fuente de contaminación por Escherichia coli de las playas del departamento del Atlántico
Bolaño Consuegra, María Gabriela
Martínez Herrera, Milton de Jesús
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Uno de los principales problemas en toda Colombia son los vertimientos de forma directa de las aguas residuales de origen urbano hacia aguas naturales como los ríos, de manera similar, se dan vertimientos de aguas residuales en cuerpos de suelo, en especial en zonas de terreno baldíos, donde posteriormente esta agua es filtrada gracias a la estructura que presenta el suelo, llegando de tal modo a las fuentes de aguas naturales subterráneas y aguas superficiales, ocasionando así una constante contaminación, por lo que se presenta un aumento de la carga microbiana que normalmente se encuentra en forma de vida libre y adherida a los sedimentos en los cuerpos de agua (Hassard, et al., 2022).
Uno de los factores más importante que favorece a la supervivencia de la mayoría de los microorganismos no formadores de esporas en condiciones no favorables para su desarrollo es la formación de una biopelícula o la unión a estructuras que les brinden protección y nutrientes hasta encontrar las condiciones óptimas o ideales para proliferar, por lo que los microorganismos presentes en los cuerpos de agua encuentran en los sedimentos una protección física y química del estrés biótico y abiótico, además que en investigaciones anteriores realizadas por Qi et al. (2022) y Sánchez Moreno et al. (2019), se encontró que los sedimentos pueden funcionar como reservorios de bacterias indicadoras fecales.
Debido a que los sedimentos pueden actuar como reservorios y como mecanismo de protección estos pueden trasladarse desde el río Magdalena hasta alcanzar las corrientes de las playas del departamento del Atlántico, debido a la proximidad de las playas con la pluma del río; de este modo, en las playas miles de personas llegan a recrearse y entran en contacto con los sedimentos que contienen células viables de E. coli, por lo que representan un riesgo para la salud pública de los bañistas y comunidades aledañas, ocasionando el aumento en el riesgo de adquirir infecciones de oído u ojos, gastroenteritis e irritaciones de la piel.
Este proyecto tiene el objetivo de generar conocimiento sobre la concentración de E.coli unida a los sedimentos del río Magdalena y de las playas del departamento del Atlántico.
One of the main problems throughout Colombia is the direct discharge of urban wastewater into natural waters such as rivers. Similarly, wastewater is discharged into bodies of land, especially in areas of vacant land that Subsequently, this water is filtered thanks to the structure of the soil, reaching the natural underground water sources and subsequently the surface waters, thus causing constant contamination, which is why there is an increase in the microbial load that It is normally found in free-living form and attached to sediments in bodies of water. (Hassard, et al., 2022). One of the most important factors that favors the survival of most non-spore-forming microorganisms in conditions that are not favorable for their development is the formation of a biofilm or the attachment to structures that provide them with protection and nutrients until optimal conditions are found. or ideal to proliferate, so the m.o present in bodies of water find in the sediments physical and chemical protection from biotic and abiotic stress, in addition to previous research carried out by (Qi et al., 2022; Sánchez Moreno et al., 2019) found that sediments can function as reservoirs of fecal indicator bacteria. Because sediments can act as reservoirs and as a protection mechanism, they can reach from the river to the beaches, as is the case in the city of Barranquilla since the beaches are close to the head of the Magdalena River, for Both the sediments that come from the river travel through the sea currents when they come into contact until they reach the beaches of Barranquilla, where thousands of people come to recreate, thus representing a risk to the public health of bathers and surrounding communities that come into contact. with these sediments contaminated with viable E.coli cells, causing an increased risk of acquiring ear or eye infections, gastroenteritis or skin irritation. With the objective of evaluating the presence of E.coli bound to sediment and free life from sediments of the Magdalena River, this project aims to generate knowledge about the level of presence of E.coli in sediments of the Magdalena River, and in waters with sediments of the beaches of the department (Atlántico).
One of the main problems throughout Colombia is the direct discharge of urban wastewater into natural waters such as rivers. Similarly, wastewater is discharged into bodies of land, especially in areas of vacant land that Subsequently, this water is filtered thanks to the structure of the soil, reaching the natural underground water sources and subsequently the surface waters, thus causing constant contamination, which is why there is an increase in the microbial load that It is normally found in free-living form and attached to sediments in bodies of water. (Hassard, et al., 2022). One of the most important factors that favors the survival of most non-spore-forming microorganisms in conditions that are not favorable for their development is the formation of a biofilm or the attachment to structures that provide them with protection and nutrients until optimal conditions are found. or ideal to proliferate, so the m.o present in bodies of water find in the sediments physical and chemical protection from biotic and abiotic stress, in addition to previous research carried out by (Qi et al., 2022; Sánchez Moreno et al., 2019) found that sediments can function as reservoirs of fecal indicator bacteria. Because sediments can act as reservoirs and as a protection mechanism, they can reach from the river to the beaches, as is the case in the city of Barranquilla since the beaches are close to the head of the Magdalena River, for Both the sediments that come from the river travel through the sea currents when they come into contact until they reach the beaches of Barranquilla, where thousands of people come to recreate, thus representing a risk to the public health of bathers and surrounding communities that come into contact. with these sediments contaminated with viable E.coli cells, causing an increased risk of acquiring ear or eye infections, gastroenteritis or skin irritation. With the objective of evaluating the presence of E.coli bound to sediment and free life from sediments of the Magdalena River, this project aims to generate knowledge about the level of presence of E.coli in sediments of the Magdalena River, and in waters with sediments of the beaches of the department (Atlántico).
Palabras clave
E.Coli, Calidad del agua, Bioindicador, Río Magdalena, Sedimentos, E.Coli, Water quality, Bioindicator, Magdalena river, Sediments