El feminicidio en Colombia
Martínez Montes, Shamanta Valentina
Zabala De La Hoz, Jesús David
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Antecedentes: Se considera que son varias las causas de feminicidios cometidos contra mujeres en Colombia y por eso se debe analizar el fenómeno más allá de la ubicación geográfica de la mujer y su edad. Por consiguiente, es importante conocer la integridad legislativa que llevó a la elaboración de la ley que crea el tipo penal de feminicidio como delito autónomo.
Objetivo: Determinar las disposiciones jurídicas y naturales con respecto al comportamiento humano de conductas feminicidas en el territorio nacional. Materiales y métodos: El diseño empleado de investigación está enmarcado en la teoría fundamentada de la cual se desprenden dos diseños que permiten orientar el proceso de análisis de los datos cualitativos, esto son el sistemático y el emergente. Se parte del diseño sistemático, en el cual se procede al análisis circular, como investigadores se busca identificar, emplear intenciones literales muéstrales, posteriormente se seleccionó la categoría más adecuada para la investigación, que llevó a construir el núcleo teórico. Esta fase del análisis permite elaborar un modelo
de lo que es la violencia contra las mujeres en Latinoamérica, conocer las causas del feminicidio, esto incluye las condiciones en que ocurre, el contexto en el que se da, las acciones descriptas por víctimas y victimarios; y sus consecuencias.
BACKGROUND: It is considered that there are several causes of femicides committed against women in Colombia and for this reason the phenomenon must be analyzed beyond the geographical location of the woman and her age. Therefore, it is important to know the legislative integrity that led to the elaboration of the law that creates the criminal type of femicide as an autonomous crime. Objective: To determine the legal and natural dispositions with respect to the human behavior of feminicidal conducts in the national territory. Materials and methods: The research design used is framed in the grounded theory from which two designs are derived to guide the process of analysis of qualitative data, namely the systematic and the emergent. This phase of the analysis allows the elaboration of a model of violence against women in Latin America, the causes of femicide, including the conditions in which it occurs, the context in which it takes place, the actions described by victims and perpetrators, and its consequences.
BACKGROUND: It is considered that there are several causes of femicides committed against women in Colombia and for this reason the phenomenon must be analyzed beyond the geographical location of the woman and her age. Therefore, it is important to know the legislative integrity that led to the elaboration of the law that creates the criminal type of femicide as an autonomous crime. Objective: To determine the legal and natural dispositions with respect to the human behavior of feminicidal conducts in the national territory. Materials and methods: The research design used is framed in the grounded theory from which two designs are derived to guide the process of analysis of qualitative data, namely the systematic and the emergent. This phase of the analysis allows the elaboration of a model of violence against women in Latin America, the causes of femicide, including the conditions in which it occurs, the context in which it takes place, the actions described by victims and perpetrators, and its consequences.
Palabras clave
Feminicidio, Jurídico, Misoginia, Ordenamiento, Violencia, Femicide, Legal, Misogyny, Ordering, Violence