Ansiedad matemática y desempeño académico en estudiantes en la formación básica de ingeniería
Ortiz-Padilla, Myriam
Paredes-Bermúdez, Martha
Soto-Varela, Roberto
Aldana-Rivera, Edna
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Form. Univ.
El objetivo del estudio es analizar la relación entre la ansiedad matemática percibida y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de Ingeniería de una universidad privada de Barranquilla-Colombia. La metodología fue de corte cuantitativo y un diseño descriptivo-correlacional. El instrumento utilizado fue la Escala Abreviada de Ansiedad Matemática (AMAS), en su adaptación al español. Para el rendimiento académico se tomaron los datos del sistema de información de la institución y categorizaron según normatividad vigente. La muestra intencional correspondió a 87 estudiantes. Los resultados no evidencian relación existente entre la ansiedad matemática y el desempeño académico, en cambio sí se identifican relaciones entre la edad y la ingeniería que estudian, y entre la ansiedad matemática global y la ingeniería. Se proponen otras variables relacionadas para explicar un problema complejo como el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. En conclusión, los resultados descriptivos muestran que los estudiantes presentan en un alto porcentaje de ansiedad moderada.
The objective of the study is to analyze the relationship that exists between perceived mathematical anxiety and academic performance in engineering students at a private university in Barranquilla, Colombia. The methodology was quantitative and with a descriptive-correlational design. The instrument used was the Abbreviated Mathematical Anxiety Scale (AMAS), in its Spanish adaptation. Academic performance was based on data from the Institution's Information System and was categorized according to current regulations. The sample was 87 students. The results do not evidence a relationship between mathematical anxiety and academic performance. Instead, the results show relationships between student age and engineering subject and between global mathematical anxiety and engineering. This study proposes other related variables to explain the complex problem of learning mathematics. In conclusion, the descriptive results suggest that there is a high percentage of moderate anxiety among students.
The objective of the study is to analyze the relationship that exists between perceived mathematical anxiety and academic performance in engineering students at a private university in Barranquilla, Colombia. The methodology was quantitative and with a descriptive-correlational design. The instrument used was the Abbreviated Mathematical Anxiety Scale (AMAS), in its Spanish adaptation. Academic performance was based on data from the Institution's Information System and was categorized according to current regulations. The sample was 87 students. The results do not evidence a relationship between mathematical anxiety and academic performance. Instead, the results show relationships between student age and engineering subject and between global mathematical anxiety and engineering. This study proposes other related variables to explain the complex problem of learning mathematics. In conclusion, the descriptive results suggest that there is a high percentage of moderate anxiety among students.
Palabras clave
Ansiedad matemática, Desempeño académico, Formación universitaria, Formación de ingenieros, Mathematical anxiety, Academic performance, University education, Engineer training