Reparación de víctimas del conflicto en Colombia bajo un esquema de asistencia legal
Santiago Reyes, Sergio Antonio
Álvarez Primicero, Keyla Daniela
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El contenido de esta investigación nos manifestara como desde que inicio la actuación de la ley 1448 de 2011, y a través de la presente ley en el país se busca generar que las víctimas sean de forma integral y no sea re victimizadas además de que la ley que ajusta la restitución de tierras sea justa como reparación de las mismas, que en oportunidad de salva guardar sus vidas debieron desalojar sus propiedad, la mirada crítica ha estado durante los últimos años hacia el estado que se planteó para el progreso de esta ley 10 años y en los cuales ha logrado solo cumplir en un mínimo lo propuesto por la ley, que avistas de cumplir este término deberá ser prolongada por otro periodo más, pues no es un desacierto que cada día se conocen más víctimas y además que la restitución de tierras se ha visto truncada por los continuos hechos violencia, siendo esto un desafía mayor para estado y la implementación de la misma. No obstante no se ha parado de generar alternativas y soluciones para poder enfrentar toda esa problemática y logrando que las victimas tengan capacidad de poder reintegrarse a la comunidad y que generen un uno vinculo estado víctima, en contexto a lo anteriormente dicho se busca que se generen cambios reales integrales y participativos, para que sea eficaz real y duradera con garantías propias de no repetición, garantías de no repetición, también se puede concluir que a la fecha la ley de victimas en sus hincapié con la restitución de tierras no se ha implementado en el porcentaje deseado, tanto la voluntad del estado, como por el proceso que se debe llevar acabo donde genera que muchas duren alrededor de 10 años para ser reparadas, en conclusión la investigación mostro avances, aciertos y desaciertos, que enfrente el estado en su política de reparación.
The content of this investigation will show us as from the execution of law 1448 of 2011, as through this law in the country seeks to generate that victims are comprehensive and not re victimized in addition to the law that adjusts the restitution of land is just as reparation of the same, that in saving saves their lives had to evacuate their property, the critical look has been during the last years towards the state that was proposed for the development of this law 10 years and in which it has managed to meet only a minimum of what is proposed by the law, that sightings of this term must be prolonged for another period, because it is not an error that every day more victims are known and also that land restitution is has been truncated by the continuous violence, this being a major challenge for the state and the implementation of it. However, it has not stopped generating alternatives and solutions to be able to face all this problem and ensuring that the victims have the capacity to reintegrate into the community and generate a link between the victim, but all this in order for the state to generate optimal social changes and that the implementation of the law is effective, true and with guarantees of non-repetition, it can also be concluded that to date the law of victims in their emphasis on land restitution has not been implemented in the desired percentage, both the will of the state, and the process that must be carried out where it generates that many last around 10 years to be repaired.
The content of this investigation will show us as from the execution of law 1448 of 2011, as through this law in the country seeks to generate that victims are comprehensive and not re victimized in addition to the law that adjusts the restitution of land is just as reparation of the same, that in saving saves their lives had to evacuate their property, the critical look has been during the last years towards the state that was proposed for the development of this law 10 years and in which it has managed to meet only a minimum of what is proposed by the law, that sightings of this term must be prolonged for another period, because it is not an error that every day more victims are known and also that land restitution is has been truncated by the continuous violence, this being a major challenge for the state and the implementation of it. However, it has not stopped generating alternatives and solutions to be able to face all this problem and ensuring that the victims have the capacity to reintegrate into the community and generate a link between the victim, but all this in order for the state to generate optimal social changes and that the implementation of the law is effective, true and with guarantees of non-repetition, it can also be concluded that to date the law of victims in their emphasis on land restitution has not been implemented in the desired percentage, both the will of the state, and the process that must be carried out where it generates that many last around 10 years to be repaired.
Palabras clave
Victimizadas, Reparación integral, Restitución de tierras, Victimized, Integral, Reparation, Land restitution