Ensayo sobre la verificación de las condiciones de habilitación Res 3100 de 2019 en la unidad de cuidados críticos pediátricos del centro de atención médico integral oportuna “Adelita de Char”
Llanos Navarro, Luis Eduardo
Mendoza López, Mandelina
Manjarrez Romero, Rafael Alberto
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El presente documento expone la aplicación de la herramienta de verificación en el cumplimiento de estándares y criterios de habilitación de acuerdo a la resolución 3100 del 2019 del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia, en el área de la unidad de cuidados críticos pediátrico del CAMINO (Centro de Atención Médico-Integral oportuna) Adelita de Char de la ciudad de Barranquilla, en el que se pretende establecer si cumple con las condiciones físicas, tecnológicas y científicas mínimas e indispensables para la prestación de servicios de salud en forma segura. En el documento anexo de la resolución anteriormente mencionada se documenta el Manual de Inscripción de Prestadores y Habilitación de Servicios de Salud en el que se establece siete estándares para la habilitación de servicios de salud como son: talento humano, infraestructura, dotación, medicamentos, dispositivos médicos e insumos, procesos prioritarios, historia clínica y Registros e interdependencia, todos estos son evaluados en la unidad de cuidados críticos pediátricos.
Así mismo se revisa la problemática de la mortalidad infantil en menores de 5 años a nivel mundial y nacional, donde se desarrollan conceptos de interés sobre las unidades, se desarrollan antecedentes y posteriormente se analiza la verificación
de los estándares de calidad en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo pediátrica del CAMINO Adelita de Char con base de la normatividad vigente y se finaliza con la conclusión y respectivas referencias bibliográficas.
The following work exposes the application of a verification tool for compliance with standards and authorization criteria according to resolution 3100 of 2019 of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia, in the field of the pediatric critical care unit. of the CAMINO (Timely Comprehensive Medical Care Centers) Adelia de Char of the city of Barranquilla, in which it is intended to establish if it meets the minimum and essential technological and scientific conditions for the provision of health services safely. In the document attached to the resolution, the Manual for the Registration of Providers and Qualification of Health Services is documented, which establishes seven standards for the qualification of health services, such as: Human talent, infrastructure, equipment, medicines, medical devices and supplies, priority processes, clinical history and records, and interdependence, all of these are evaluated in the pediatric critical care unit. Likewise, the problem of infant mortality in children under 5 years of age at a global and national level is reviewed, where concepts of interest are developed about the units, background information is developed and subsequently the verification of quality standards in the Care Unit is analyzed. Pediatric intensive course of the Adelita de Char PATH based on current regulations and ends with the conclusion and respective bibliographical references.
The following work exposes the application of a verification tool for compliance with standards and authorization criteria according to resolution 3100 of 2019 of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia, in the field of the pediatric critical care unit. of the CAMINO (Timely Comprehensive Medical Care Centers) Adelia de Char of the city of Barranquilla, in which it is intended to establish if it meets the minimum and essential technological and scientific conditions for the provision of health services safely. In the document attached to the resolution, the Manual for the Registration of Providers and Qualification of Health Services is documented, which establishes seven standards for the qualification of health services, such as: Human talent, infrastructure, equipment, medicines, medical devices and supplies, priority processes, clinical history and records, and interdependence, all of these are evaluated in the pediatric critical care unit. Likewise, the problem of infant mortality in children under 5 years of age at a global and national level is reviewed, where concepts of interest are developed about the units, background information is developed and subsequently the verification of quality standards in the Care Unit is analyzed. Pediatric intensive course of the Adelita de Char PATH based on current regulations and ends with the conclusion and respective bibliographical references.
Palabras clave
Estándares, Resolución, Habilitación, Servicios, Cuidados críticos pediátricos, Standards, Resolution, Habilitation, Services, Pediatric critical care