El posconflicto y la construcción de paz: La mediación como solución alternativa en la región del Catatumbo
Parra Meaury, Claudia Eufemia
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Estudios de Paz y Conflictos A.C.
Colombia es un país que se ha caracterizado en su historia, por temas como la violencia sociopolítica y el conflicto armado, sólo reconocido formalmente hasta el año 2010. A fin de no cometer los errores del pasado y de buscar el restablecimiento de derechos y garantías entre las partes, se desarrolla un proceso de paz que finaliza con la firma del acuerdo, mismo que no sólo ha implicado el brío político de la institucionalidad sino el compromiso y la corresponsabilidad de todos los sectores de la sociedad para enfrentar los retos que conlleva el denominado posconflicto. Uno de los territorios o zonas más afectadas tanto directa como indirectamente de los actos de violencia por parte de actores armados ha sido la región del Catatumbo, misma que se encuentra ubicada en el departamento Norte de Santander, que en el actualidad, se enfrenta en la necesidad de reconstruir el tejido social y la participación directa de la comunidad frente a la formulación de políticas encaminadas en la transformación social, en la resolución de conflictos y en una verdadera cultura de paz.
Colombia is a country that has been characterized in its history, by issues such as socio-political violence and armed conflict, only formally recognized until 2010. In order to avoid committing the errors of the past and to seek the restoration of rights and guarantees between the parties, a peace process is being developed that ends with the signing of the agreement, which has not only involved the political brio of the institutions but also the commitment and co-responsibility of all sectors of society to face the challenges of the so-called post-conflict. One of the territories or areas most affected both directly and indirectly by acts of violence by armed actors has been the Catatumbo region, which is located in the Norte de Santander department, which is currently facing the need to rebuild the social fabric and direct community participation in the formulation of policies aimed at social transformation, conflict resolution and a true culture of peace. This article, through a conceptual theoretical analysis with a qualitative descriptive approach from a documentary and socio-legal study of a cross-cutting nature, seeks to reflect on the need to build peace scenarios that involve the legitimacy of state institutions, governance and local governance, the intervention of policies and spaces for participation where reconciliation processes are assumed by society as mechanisms for conflict resolution, essentially adjusted to the problem of peace, such as mediation.
Colombia is a country that has been characterized in its history, by issues such as socio-political violence and armed conflict, only formally recognized until 2010. In order to avoid committing the errors of the past and to seek the restoration of rights and guarantees between the parties, a peace process is being developed that ends with the signing of the agreement, which has not only involved the political brio of the institutions but also the commitment and co-responsibility of all sectors of society to face the challenges of the so-called post-conflict. One of the territories or areas most affected both directly and indirectly by acts of violence by armed actors has been the Catatumbo region, which is located in the Norte de Santander department, which is currently facing the need to rebuild the social fabric and direct community participation in the formulation of policies aimed at social transformation, conflict resolution and a true culture of peace. This article, through a conceptual theoretical analysis with a qualitative descriptive approach from a documentary and socio-legal study of a cross-cutting nature, seeks to reflect on the need to build peace scenarios that involve the legitimacy of state institutions, governance and local governance, the intervention of policies and spaces for participation where reconciliation processes are assumed by society as mechanisms for conflict resolution, essentially adjusted to the problem of peace, such as mediation.
Palabras clave
Conflicto, posconflicto, Cultura de paz y mediación, Conflict, Post-Conflict, Culture of peace and mediation
Parra Meaury, C. eufemia. (2020). El posconflicto y la construcción de paz: La mediación como solución alternativa en la región del Catatumbo. Eirene Estudios De Paz Y Conflictos, 3(4), 53–66. Recuperado a partir de https://www.estudiosdepazyconflictos.com/index.php/eirene/article/view/81