Análisis ecosistémico de las representaciones sociales sobre la vejez en adolescentes escolarizados
Acacio Quintero, Ronald
Albor Escobar, Liliana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo general de este trabajo es describir, desde una mirada sistémica, las representaciones sociales que tienen los adolescentes acerca de la vejez, y los objetivos específicos proponen caracterizar los elementos constitutivos de estas representaciones e identificar y describir la participación de los factores intrafamiliares en su desarrollo. Para esto se realizó un estudio de enfoque cualitativo en el que se aplicaron instrumentos como: la entrevista semiestructurada, el genograma y la prueba APGAR familiar a un grupo de 20 adolescentes escolarizados, seleccionados de manera intencional. Los resultados muestran que para la mayoría de los adolescentes, las representaciones sociales sobre la vejez, están orientadas por imágenes positivas como el aspecto social y negativas como el aspecto físico influenciado por el contexto familiar (microsistema). Se concluye que las representaciones sociales que tienen los adolescentes de la vejez es que son una etapa, parte del ciclo de vida, una experiencia lejana a ellos, acompañada de propuestas proteccionistas y garantistas del bienestar del adulto mayor.
The main goal of this work is to describe, from a systemic approach, the social representations that adolescents have about old age, and the specific purposes intent to characterize the elements that constitute these representations as well as to identify and describe the participation of domestic factors in its development. To achieve this, a study with qualitative approach was done in which instruments such as a semi-structured interview, a genogram and the APGAR test were applied to a group of 20 schooled adolescents, selected intentionally. The results show that, to most adolescents, social representations about old age are oriented by positive images like the social aspect and negative ones like the physical aspect influenced by the family context (microsystem). The conclusions of this present work shows that the social representations adolescents have about old age are that they are a stage, a part of life's cycle, an experience far from their own, accompanied by a protectionist tendency towards the well-being of the elderly.
The main goal of this work is to describe, from a systemic approach, the social representations that adolescents have about old age, and the specific purposes intent to characterize the elements that constitute these representations as well as to identify and describe the participation of domestic factors in its development. To achieve this, a study with qualitative approach was done in which instruments such as a semi-structured interview, a genogram and the APGAR test were applied to a group of 20 schooled adolescents, selected intentionally. The results show that, to most adolescents, social representations about old age are oriented by positive images like the social aspect and negative ones like the physical aspect influenced by the family context (microsystem). The conclusions of this present work shows that the social representations adolescents have about old age are that they are a stage, a part of life's cycle, an experience far from their own, accompanied by a protectionist tendency towards the well-being of the elderly.
Palabras clave
Representación social, Adolescentes, Vejez, Enfoque sistémico, Enfoque ecológico, Social representation, Adolescents, Old age, Elderly, Systemic approach, Ecologic approach