Pronunciamientos de la corte constitucional con relación a la protección laboral reforzada de la mujer en estado de embarazo y lactancia en Colombia
Jiménez Jiménez, James John
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolivar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el presente ensayo, se desarrolla la garantía de estabilidad en el empleo, como protección del artículo 53 Superior, dicha protección adquiere fuerza cuando la trabajadora se encuentre en embarazo, fuero de maternidad, por lo que la protección jurídica otorgada por Ley es de asegurar la permanencia en el trabajo. Sin embargo, existe la problemática a la estabilidad para la mujer en gestación y lactancia respecto de la libertad de los empleadores al no otorgar la renovación o prorrogar los contratos de trabajo a término fijo, o darlos por terminado cuando median causas estipuladas dentro del CST, siendo tal libertad, un límite en cuanto a su garantía y especial protección, no siendo absoluta la garantía ya que se protege a la mujer que va a ser madre o acaba de serlo. La jurisprudencia de la de Corte Constitucional no ha sido uniforme en cuanto a los criterios en sus fallos.
Se tomó seis pronunciamientos de la Corte Constitucional con relación a la protección laboral reforzada de la mujer en estado de embarazo y lactancia en Colombia, esto es las contenidas en: T- 1202 de 2005, T- 649 de 2009, SU 0- 70 de 2013, SU 075 de
2018, C- 470 de 1997, T- 373 de 1998. Seguidamente, se seleccionó la muestra utilizándose como técnicas de investigación, el análisis de texto, por lo que mediante ella se analizaron las sentencias de la Corte Constitucional antes mencionadas y la doctrina, entre lo cual se puede citar a: Caro (2016), Ramírez, Tribin y Vargas (2016), y la Ley 1468 de 2011, Ley 129 de 1931.
In this essay, the guarantee of job stability is developed, as protection of Article 53 Superior, said protection acquires force when the worker is pregnant, maternity leave, so the legal protection granted by Law is to ensure stay at work. However, there is the problem of stability for pregnant and lactating women with respect to the freedom of employers by not granting the renewal or extending fixed-term employment contracts, or terminating them when there are causes stipulated within the CST, being such freedom, a limit in terms of its guarantee and special protection, the guarantee not being absolute since the woman who is going to be a mother or has just been a mother is protected. The jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court has not been uniform in terms of the criteria in its rulings. Six pronouncements of the Constitutional Court were taken in relation to the reinforced labor protection of women in a state of pregnancy and lactation in Colombia, that is, those contained in: T-1202 of 2005, T-649 of 2009, SU 0- 70 of 2013, SU 075 of 2018, C- 470 of 1997, T- 373 of 1998. Next, the sample was selected using text analysis as research techniques, so that through it the judgments of the Constitutional Court were analyzed before mentioned and the doctrine, among which we can cite: Caro (2016), Ramírez, Tribin and Vargas (2016), and Law 1468 of 2011, Law 129 of 1931.
In this essay, the guarantee of job stability is developed, as protection of Article 53 Superior, said protection acquires force when the worker is pregnant, maternity leave, so the legal protection granted by Law is to ensure stay at work. However, there is the problem of stability for pregnant and lactating women with respect to the freedom of employers by not granting the renewal or extending fixed-term employment contracts, or terminating them when there are causes stipulated within the CST, being such freedom, a limit in terms of its guarantee and special protection, the guarantee not being absolute since the woman who is going to be a mother or has just been a mother is protected. The jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court has not been uniform in terms of the criteria in its rulings. Six pronouncements of the Constitutional Court were taken in relation to the reinforced labor protection of women in a state of pregnancy and lactation in Colombia, that is, those contained in: T-1202 of 2005, T-649 of 2009, SU 0- 70 of 2013, SU 075 of 2018, C- 470 of 1997, T- 373 of 1998. Next, the sample was selected using text analysis as research techniques, so that through it the judgments of the Constitutional Court were analyzed before mentioned and the doctrine, among which we can cite: Caro (2016), Ramírez, Tribin and Vargas (2016), and Law 1468 of 2011, Law 129 of 1931.
Palabras clave
Protección laboral reforzada, Gestación, Lactancia, Fuero de maternidad, Gravidez, Embarazo, Corte Constitucional, Reinforced labor protection, Pregnancy, Lactation, maternity leave, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Constitutional Court