Efectos de la estimulación cognitiva asistida por software sobre la capacidad de atención visual en niños escolarizados
Chacón Lizarazo, Oriana M.
Riaño-Garzón, Manuel E.
Bermúdez-Pirela, Valmore
Chaparro-Suarez, Yudy Karina
Hernández-Lalinde, Juan Diego
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
El estudio analiza los efectos de la implementación de un software de computador
basado en tareas de cancelación de estímulos visuales, sobre el desempeño en
procesos atencionales. Para ello, se trabajó bajo un paradigma positivista con
enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo cuasiexperimental pretest – postest, con intervención
en niños entre 6 a 11 años de un colegio público de la ciudad de Cúcuta-Colombia,
conformando una muestra intencional de 49 participantes. Dentro de los
instrumentos se diseñó un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos y se tomaron
pruebas estandarizadas de evaluación neuropsicológica para contrastar el
desempeño cognoscitivo antes y después de la intervención. Para el análisis de la
información y comparación de resultados se utilizó un programa para datos
cuantitativos IBM-SPSS Statistics 21 encontrando diferencias estadísticamente
significativas en procesos de atención visual, selectiva y excluyente, además de
encontrar incrementos cualitativos en la capacidad de autoverificación en los niños
The study analyzes the effects of the implementation of a computer software based on tasks of cancellation of visual stimuli, on the performance in attentional processes. For this, we worked under a positivist paradigm with a quantitative approach, of a quasi - experimental pretest - posttest type, with intervention in children between 6 and 11 years old from a public school in the city of Cúcuta - Colombia, forming an intentional sample of 49 participants. Within the instruments, a sociodemographic data questionnaire was designed and standardized tests of neuropsychological evaluation were taken to contrast the cognitive performance before and after the intervention. For the analysis of information and comparison of results, a program for quantitative data IBM-SPSS Statistics 21 was used, finding statistically significant differences in processes of visual, selective and excluding attention, in addition to finding increases in self-verification capacity in children.
The study analyzes the effects of the implementation of a computer software based on tasks of cancellation of visual stimuli, on the performance in attentional processes. For this, we worked under a positivist paradigm with a quantitative approach, of a quasi - experimental pretest - posttest type, with intervention in children between 6 and 11 years old from a public school in the city of Cúcuta - Colombia, forming an intentional sample of 49 participants. Within the instruments, a sociodemographic data questionnaire was designed and standardized tests of neuropsychological evaluation were taken to contrast the cognitive performance before and after the intervention. For the analysis of information and comparison of results, a program for quantitative data IBM-SPSS Statistics 21 was used, finding statistically significant differences in processes of visual, selective and excluding attention, in addition to finding increases in self-verification capacity in children.
Palabras clave
Atención, Estimulación cognitiva, Corrección neuropsicológica, Terapia neuropsicológica, Software, Attention, Cognitive stimulation, Neuropsychological correction, Neuropsychological therapy, Software