Construcción de identidad a partir de los procesos de espacialización desarrollados por los vendedores ambulantes en la calle novena del centro de Cúcuta
Blanco Botello, Edison Leonardo
Briceño Medina, Adriana Estefania
Miranda Godoy, Leidy Katherine
Ramos Carvajal, Stefhany Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación busca conocer la construcción de identidad a partir de los procesos de espacializacion desarrollados por los vendedores ambulantes en la calle novena del centro de Cúcuta para dar respuesta a la problemática ¿Cuál es la construcción de identidad? Para el desarrollo de esta se usaron bases teóricas desde la teoría de identidad social propuesta por Tajfel, desde la postura del marco teórico, conceptual y legal se establecen categorías y subcategorías que dan respuestas a los objetivos propuestos, así mismo, el entorno social donde se realizó la presente investigación fue en la calle novena del centro de Cúcuta, ubicado en la Comuna 1 de la ciudad, abarcando el Parque Mercedes hasta el Palacio Nacional. La metodología que se llevó a cabo se basó en el paradigma interpretativo, con un enfoque cualitativo y un diseño etnográfico tomando una muestra de 10 vendedores ambulantes con un rango de edad entre los 22 y 45 años, por tanto, se utilizaron las siguientes técnicas: observación participante, historias de vida y entrevista, las cuales permitieron conocer las culturas, costumbres, comportamientos e interacción social de los sujetos de estudio, así mismo, contaron sus historias de vida y experiencia vividas durante sus jornadas laborales. De acuerdo a los hallazgos se crearon tres capítulos de resultados que le dieron respuesta a los objetivos específicos cumpliendo lo planteado en el objetivo general, la cual son los siguientes: el primer capítulo se propone a Identificar los principales factores de identidad en los procesos de espacialización en los vendedores ambulantes, el segundo capítulo, formas en que el trabajo informal influye en los procesos de espacializacion de la calle novena del centro de Cúcuta, y el tercer capítulo, diferentes significados de identidad en los procesos de espacializacion en los vendedores ambulantes de la calle novena, por lo tanto, se concluye como la familia desempeña su rol como escenario socializador desde los aspectos básicos, sin abarcar la informalidad de los vendedores ambulantes que participan en las diferentes acciones del entorno y el poder ocupar un espacio en este sector les ha costado, muchos sacrificios, el tener que pelear con las autoridades legales, e incluso con ellos mismos para a hacer respetar su permanencia en el lugar.
This research seeks to know the construction of identity from the spatialization processes developed by street vendors in the ninth street of the center of Cúcuta to respond to the problem ¿What is the construction of identity? For the development of this were used theoretical bases from the theory of social identity proposed by Tajfel, from the position of the theoretical, conceptual and legal framework are established categories and subcategories that give answers to the proposed objectives, Likewise, the social environment where the present investigation was carried out was in the ninth street of the center of Cúcuta, located in the Commune 1 of the city, encompassing the Mercedes Park to the National Palace. The methodology that was carried out was based on the interpretive paradigm, with a qualitative approach and ethnographic design taking a sample of 10 street vendors with an age range between 22 and 45 years, therefore, the following techniques were used: participant observation, life stories and interviews, which allowed to know the cultures, customs, behaviors and social interaction of the subjects of study, as well as to tell their life stories and experience lived during their working days. According to the findings, three chapters of results were created that responded to the specific objectives meeting the general objective, which are the following: the first chapter proposes to Identify the main identity factors in the spatialization processes in street vendors, the second chapter, ways in which informal work influences the spatialization processes of the ninth street of the center of Cúcuta, and the third chapter, different meanings of identity in the processes of spacialization in street vendors of the ninth street. Therefore, it is concluded how the family plays its role as a socializing scenario from the basic aspects, without covering the informality of street vendors who participate in the different actions of the environment and being able to occupy a space in this sector has cost them, many sacrifices, having to fight with the legal authorities, and even with themselves to enforce their permanence in the place.
This research seeks to know the construction of identity from the spatialization processes developed by street vendors in the ninth street of the center of Cúcuta to respond to the problem ¿What is the construction of identity? For the development of this were used theoretical bases from the theory of social identity proposed by Tajfel, from the position of the theoretical, conceptual and legal framework are established categories and subcategories that give answers to the proposed objectives, Likewise, the social environment where the present investigation was carried out was in the ninth street of the center of Cúcuta, located in the Commune 1 of the city, encompassing the Mercedes Park to the National Palace. The methodology that was carried out was based on the interpretive paradigm, with a qualitative approach and ethnographic design taking a sample of 10 street vendors with an age range between 22 and 45 years, therefore, the following techniques were used: participant observation, life stories and interviews, which allowed to know the cultures, customs, behaviors and social interaction of the subjects of study, as well as to tell their life stories and experience lived during their working days. According to the findings, three chapters of results were created that responded to the specific objectives meeting the general objective, which are the following: the first chapter proposes to Identify the main identity factors in the spatialization processes in street vendors, the second chapter, ways in which informal work influences the spatialization processes of the ninth street of the center of Cúcuta, and the third chapter, different meanings of identity in the processes of spacialization in street vendors of the ninth street. Therefore, it is concluded how the family plays its role as a socializing scenario from the basic aspects, without covering the informality of street vendors who participate in the different actions of the environment and being able to occupy a space in this sector has cost them, many sacrifices, having to fight with the legal authorities, and even with themselves to enforce their permanence in the place.
Palabras clave
Identidad, Espacializacion, Vendedores ambulantes, Empleo informal, Economía, Dentity, Spatialization, Street vendors, Informal employment, Economy