El hacinamiento carcelario: la vulneración de garantías procesales y derechos fundamentales para sindicados y condenados recluidos en una misma institución penitenciaria en Colombia
Safra Fontalvo, Camila Andrea
Mercado Villa, Luz Karime
Angulo Martínez, María Fernanda
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Estudiar como la problemática del hacinamiento en Colombia se ha convertido en una categoría que expresa e indica seres humanos olvidados en depósitos llamadas cárceles, donde el estado no les garantiza sus derechos primordiales establecidos en la carta magna colombiana. Estos ciudadanos son tratados como personas de tercera, donde su dignidad humana es relegada por el simple hecho de estar privados de libertad por haber cometido un delito. Hay que recordar que todos los seres humanos independientemente de su
situación legal tienen derechos, según las leyes y normas internacionales emanadas para velar y hacer valer las condiciones humanas mínimas que tiene todo ser humano. El objetivo de este ensayo en el marco de las tendencias del derecho sustancial, procesal y globalización, será reflexionar desde la introspección, relación impacto, emergencia y trascendencia, en cuanto al acceso a la justicia bajo una mirada internacional para disminuir el hacinamiento carcelario en barranquilla y su debida resocialización. Se parte de la afirmación teórica del derecho que no existen las condiciones ni garantías procesales fundamentales para enfrentar el problema carcelario del hacinamiento en Colombia, lo que se resumen ontológicamente en que el estado no es capaz de diseñar una política de estado para cambiar esa situación o problemática.
Studying how the problem of overcrowding in Colombia has become a category that expresses and indicates forgotten human beings in warehouses called prisons, where the state does not guarantee their fundamental rights established in the Colombian Magna Carta. These citizens are treated as third-class people, where their human dignity is relegated for the simple fact of being deprived of liberty for having committed a crime. It must be remembered that all human beings, regardless of their legal status, have rights, according to international laws and regulations issued to ensure and enforce the minimum human conditions that every human being has. The objective of this essay within the framework of the trends of substantial, procedural and globalization law, will be to reflect from introspection, impact relationship, emergency and transcendence, in terms of access to justice under an international perspective to reduce prison overcrowding in Barranquilla. and its proper resocialization. It is based on the theoretical affirmation of the law that there are no fundamental procedural conditions or guarantees to face the prison problem of overcrowding in Colombia, which is summarized ontologically in that the state is not capable of designing a state policy to change that situation or problematic.
Studying how the problem of overcrowding in Colombia has become a category that expresses and indicates forgotten human beings in warehouses called prisons, where the state does not guarantee their fundamental rights established in the Colombian Magna Carta. These citizens are treated as third-class people, where their human dignity is relegated for the simple fact of being deprived of liberty for having committed a crime. It must be remembered that all human beings, regardless of their legal status, have rights, according to international laws and regulations issued to ensure and enforce the minimum human conditions that every human being has. The objective of this essay within the framework of the trends of substantial, procedural and globalization law, will be to reflect from introspection, impact relationship, emergency and transcendence, in terms of access to justice under an international perspective to reduce prison overcrowding in Barranquilla. and its proper resocialization. It is based on the theoretical affirmation of the law that there are no fundamental procedural conditions or guarantees to face the prison problem of overcrowding in Colombia, which is summarized ontologically in that the state is not capable of designing a state policy to change that situation or problematic.
Palabras clave
Hacinamiento, Sindicados, Vulneración, Derechos, Garantías, Overcrowding, Unionized, Violation, Rights, Guarantees