Los encuentros pedagógicos como estrategia que potencian la participación de las familias en los procesos evaluativos en la sección básica primaria de la Institución Educativa Los Santos Apóstoles
Jaimes Somaza María Teresa
Pérez Ortiz Diego Armando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo del presente estudio es potenciar la participación y corresponsabilidad de la familia en los procesos educativos y evaluativos en la sección de básica primaria de la Institución Educativa del Colegio Santos Apóstoles de la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. Para ello, el objeto de conocimiento estuvo fundamentado desde Joyce I. Epstein, Verónica Gubbins y Christian Berger en cuanto a la relación de la familia y la escuela; Juan Manuel Álvarez Méndez y Miguel Ángel Santos Guerra con la evaluación y Paulo Freire desde los encuentros pedagógicos. Se realizó una investigación ubicada en el paradigma sociocrítico, con un enfoque cualitativo y de investigación acción. Los informantes claves se seleccionaron de acuerdo a criterios preestablecidos, y que corresponden a 1 directivo docente, 1 docente de grado 3°, 1 docente orientador y 8 padres de familia de grado 3° de la institución antes mencionada, a quienes se les aplicó los instrumentos bajo la técnica de entrevistas semiestructuradas; de igual forma se tuvieron en cuenta los documentos institucionales bajo una revisión documental. La investigación acción se basó en la técnica de grupos de discusión con los 8 padres de familia que a partir de la formación, reflexión y diálogo permitieron ampliar la relación dada en los procesos educativos y evaluativos y así contrastarlos con obtenido en las entrevistas semiestructuradas y la revisión documental. Los resultados una vez analizados e interpretados indicaron la importancia y necesidad del diálogo para la vinculación y transformación de las familias dentro de las instituciones educativas con lo cual se dio lugar a una ruta de intervención para potenciar la red escuela – familia.
The objective of this study is to promote the participation and co-responsibility of the family in the educational and evaluative processes in the elementary school section of the Educational Institution of the Santos Apóstoles School of the city of San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. For this, the object of knowledge was based on Joyce I. Epstein, Verónica Gubbins and Christian Berger in terms of the relationship between family and school; Juan Manuel Álvarez Méndez and Miguel Ángel Santos Guerra with the evaluation and Paulo Freire from the pedagogical meetings. An investigation located in the socio-critical paradigm was carried out, with a qualitative approach and action research. The key informants were selected according to pre-established criteria, corresponding to 1 teacher director, 1 teacher from grade 3, 1 guidance teacher and 8 parents from grade 3 from the aforementioned institution, to whom the instruments under the technique of semi-structured interviews; likewise, institutional documents were taken into account under a documentary review. The action research was based on the technique of discussion groups with the 8 parents that, from the training, reflection and dialogue, allowed to expand the relationship given in the educational and evaluative processes and thus contrast them with those obtained in the semi-structured interviews and the documentary review. The results, once analyzed and interpreted, indicated the importance and need for dialogue for the connection and transformation of families within educational institutions, which led to an intervention route to enhance the school-family network.
The objective of this study is to promote the participation and co-responsibility of the family in the educational and evaluative processes in the elementary school section of the Educational Institution of the Santos Apóstoles School of the city of San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. For this, the object of knowledge was based on Joyce I. Epstein, Verónica Gubbins and Christian Berger in terms of the relationship between family and school; Juan Manuel Álvarez Méndez and Miguel Ángel Santos Guerra with the evaluation and Paulo Freire from the pedagogical meetings. An investigation located in the socio-critical paradigm was carried out, with a qualitative approach and action research. The key informants were selected according to pre-established criteria, corresponding to 1 teacher director, 1 teacher from grade 3, 1 guidance teacher and 8 parents from grade 3 from the aforementioned institution, to whom the instruments under the technique of semi-structured interviews; likewise, institutional documents were taken into account under a documentary review. The action research was based on the technique of discussion groups with the 8 parents that, from the training, reflection and dialogue, allowed to expand the relationship given in the educational and evaluative processes and thus contrast them with those obtained in the semi-structured interviews and the documentary review. The results, once analyzed and interpreted, indicated the importance and need for dialogue for the connection and transformation of families within educational institutions, which led to an intervention route to enhance the school-family network.
Palabras clave
Familia, Escuela, Diálogo, Reflexión, Transformación, Family, School, Dialogue, Reflection, Transformation