Dirección estratégica: aplicación en empresas filiales de la corporación eléctrica nacional de Venezuela
López, Yndri Josefina
García Guiliany, Jesús
Cardeño Portela, Edwin
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT
El objetivo de la investigación fue, describir el proceso
de dirección estratégica en empresas filiales de la
Corporación Eléctrica Nacional en Venezuela
(Corpoelec). La metodología fue descriptiva, diseño no
experimental, transeccional de campo. La población se
conformó, por las empresas filiales de Corpoelec en los
Estados Zulia y Falcón, con 17 unidades informantes. Se
concluye, que hay mayor solidez para la definición de
los lineamientos estratégicos permanentes en
comparación a los semipermanentes y temporales.
Asimismo, en el diagnóstico situacional no establecen
métodos formales que orienten el proceso de dirección.
The objective of the research was to describe the process of strategic management in subsidiary companies of the National Electrical Corporation in Venezuela (Corpoelec). The methodology was descriptive, non-experimental, transectional field design. The population was conformed, by the Corporelec subsidiaries in the States of Zulia and Falcon, with 17 reporting units. It is concluded that there is greater solidity for the definition of the permanent strategic guidelines in comparison to the semipermanent and temporal ones. Likewise, in the situational diagnosis, they do not establish formal methods that guide the management process.
The objective of the research was to describe the process of strategic management in subsidiary companies of the National Electrical Corporation in Venezuela (Corpoelec). The methodology was descriptive, non-experimental, transectional field design. The population was conformed, by the Corporelec subsidiaries in the States of Zulia and Falcon, with 17 reporting units. It is concluded that there is greater solidity for the definition of the permanent strategic guidelines in comparison to the semipermanent and temporal ones. Likewise, in the situational diagnosis, they do not establish formal methods that guide the management process.
Palabras clave
Dirección estratégica, Lineamientos estratégicos, Corporación eléctrica, Venezuela, Strategic direction, Strategic guidelines, Electrical corporation