Personalidad desde un abordaje intrapsíquico de hombres condenados por el delito de homicidio en la modalidad de sicariato recluidos en la cárcel el Bosque de Barranquilla
Medina Bulloso, Diana Luz
Oñate Salinas, Jenny Sofía
Puerta Fandiño, Jesús Adrián
Thorrens, Roberto Ramón
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Las manifestaciones de violencia históricamente han inquietado a las sociedades, que indistintamente se ven afectadas. En Colombia un fenómeno que cobra importancia lo representa el Sicario, modalidad de homicida selectivo utilizado por el mejor postor. Por ello se hace un abordaje sobre la personalidad del sicario desde una perspectiva intrapsiquica, manejando como referentes a Sigmund Freud y Mario Elkin Ramírez.
Desde este constructo se considera como un elemento básico en la conformación de la personalidad sicarial problemas en el proceso de identificación del infante durante sus primeros años de vida. Lo que a la postre fomentará dificultades de relación con el medio, baja tolerancia a la frustración y agresividad.
The manifestations of violence historically have troubled to companies that are affected equally. In Colombia a phenomenon that becomes important as representing Sicario, homicidal selective mode used by the lowest bidder. It is therefore a collision on the personality of the assassin from an intrapsychic perspective, managing references to Sigmund Freud and Mario Ramirez Elkin. Since this construct is seen as a key element in shaping the personality sicarial problems in the identification process of the infant during its first years of life. Which ultimately promote difficulties in relation to the medium, low tolerance to frustration and aggressiveness
The manifestations of violence historically have troubled to companies that are affected equally. In Colombia a phenomenon that becomes important as representing Sicario, homicidal selective mode used by the lowest bidder. It is therefore a collision on the personality of the assassin from an intrapsychic perspective, managing references to Sigmund Freud and Mario Ramirez Elkin. Since this construct is seen as a key element in shaping the personality sicarial problems in the identification process of the infant during its first years of life. Which ultimately promote difficulties in relation to the medium, low tolerance to frustration and aggressiveness
Palabras clave
Personalidad, Homicidio, Sicario, Yo inmaduro, Proceso de identificación, Personality, Murder, Assassin, I inmature, Identification process