Caracterización de bacterias halófilas y sus mecanismos morfológicos, provenientes de suelos hipersalinos del caribe colombiano (La Guajira)
Parejo Solano, Franklin Junior
Osorio Fernández, María Gabriela
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
La salinidad presente en distintos ambientes puede ocasionar problemas que interfieren en el desarrollo y en la absorción de nutrientes, como es en el caso de los suelos, debido a que en estas condiciones el potencial osmótico del suelo supera al del sistema radicular de las plantas, produciendo limitaciones en la entrada del agua en la raíz. Es por esto qué se buscó un potencial biorrecuperador a base de bacterias promotoras de crecimiento vegetal, con el fin de recuperar los suelos que sufren de esta problemática. El estudio realizado tuvo como finalidad el aislamiento de bacterias halotolerantes de sedimento de las salinas de Manaure (La Guajira). Inicialmente se realizó la estandarización del cultivo bacteriano con el medio mínimo IRAM a diferentes concentraciones de cloruro de sodio (0M, 0.5M, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 2.5, 3M, 3.5M y 4M), e incubadas a 28°C, durante 48 horas con observaciones cada 24 horas. Posteriormente, se realizaron curvas de crecimiento bacteriano y de cada aislado seleccionado se llevaron a cabo pruebas de actividad proteolítica, celulolítica, lipolítica, fijación de nitrógeno y solubilización de fosfato, con la finalidad de identificar su potencial como bacterias promotoras del crecimiento vegetal. Además, se hizo extracción de ADN, PCR y secuenciación del gen ARNr 16s para la identificación de cada aislado. Se seleccionaron los aislados que presentaron crecimiento en el medio IRAM con concentraciones superiores de NaCl 2M. El análisis de filogenia de uno de los aislados obtuvo como resultado Halomonas spp. Estos microorganismos tienen un gran potencial biotecnológico, por la producción de algunos solutos compatibles que les concede la capacidad para estabilizar los suelos en la agricultura, estos no solamente producen compuestos de enorme interés industrial, como enzimas, biopolímeros o solutos compatibles, además presentan propiedades fisiológicas que proporcionan su explotación comercial.
The salinity present in different environments can cause problems that interfere in the development and absorption of nutrients, as in the case of soils, because in these conditions the osmotic potential of the soil exceeds that of the root system of plants, producing limitations in the entry of water into the root. This is why a potential bioremediator based on plant growth promoting bacteria was sought, in order to recover soils suffering from this problem. The purpose of the study was to isolate halotolerant bacteria from the sediment of the Manaure salt flats (La Guajira). Initially, the bacterial culture was standardized with IRAM minimum medium at different sodium chloride concentrations (0M, 0.5M, 1M, 1.5M, 1.5M, 2M, 2.5, 3M, 3.5M and 4M), and incubated at 28°C for 48 hours with observations every 24 hours. Subsequently, bacterial growth curves were performed and each selected isolate was tested for proteolytic, cellulolytic, lipolytic, nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilization activity, in order to identify their potential as plant growth promoting bacteria. In addition, DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing of the 16s rRNA gene were performed for the identification of each isolate. The isolates that showed growth in IRAM medium with higher concentrations of 2M NaCl were selected. The phylogeny analysis of one of the isolates resulted in Halomonas spp. These microorganisms have a great biotechnological potential, due to the production of some compatible solutes that give them the ability to stabilize soils in agriculture, they not only produce compounds of great industrial interest, such as enzymes, biopolymers or compatible solutes, but also present physiological properties that provide their commercial exploitation.
The salinity present in different environments can cause problems that interfere in the development and absorption of nutrients, as in the case of soils, because in these conditions the osmotic potential of the soil exceeds that of the root system of plants, producing limitations in the entry of water into the root. This is why a potential bioremediator based on plant growth promoting bacteria was sought, in order to recover soils suffering from this problem. The purpose of the study was to isolate halotolerant bacteria from the sediment of the Manaure salt flats (La Guajira). Initially, the bacterial culture was standardized with IRAM minimum medium at different sodium chloride concentrations (0M, 0.5M, 1M, 1.5M, 1.5M, 2M, 2.5, 3M, 3.5M and 4M), and incubated at 28°C for 48 hours with observations every 24 hours. Subsequently, bacterial growth curves were performed and each selected isolate was tested for proteolytic, cellulolytic, lipolytic, nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilization activity, in order to identify their potential as plant growth promoting bacteria. In addition, DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing of the 16s rRNA gene were performed for the identification of each isolate. The isolates that showed growth in IRAM medium with higher concentrations of 2M NaCl were selected. The phylogeny analysis of one of the isolates resulted in Halomonas spp. These microorganisms have a great biotechnological potential, due to the production of some compatible solutes that give them the ability to stabilize soils in agriculture, they not only produce compounds of great industrial interest, such as enzymes, biopolymers or compatible solutes, but also present physiological properties that provide their commercial exploitation.
Palabras clave
Salinidad, Cloruro de sodio, Halotolerantes, Halomonas, Salinity, Sodium chloride, Halotolerant, Halomonas