Composición corporal de deportistas universitarias de voleibol de Barranquilla, Colombia
Vidarte Claros, José Armando
Sánchez Puce, Everardo Manuel
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Fundación Alimentación Saludable
SEDCA Sociedad Española de Dietética y Ciencias de la Alimentación
SEDCA Sociedad Española de Dietética y Ciencias de la Alimentación
La composición corporal se convierte en un predictor de la condición física, en las deportistas universitarias de competencia.
Objetivo: Establecer la correlación entre la edad y las variables de la composición corporal en voleibolistas de rendimiento deportivo del departamento del atlántico.
Materiales y métodos: Fue un estudio descriptivo correlacional donde participaron 150 deportistas con una media de 17,41 ± 2,38 años, siendo definido el diseño muestral a partir de una correlación lineal esperada de 0,30; 99% de confianza y un poder estadístico del 80% se definió la muestra que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión.
Resultados: Se encontró correlación directa y significativa entre la edad el IMC, nivel educativo y perímetro cintura, lo que evidencia que a medida que se avanza en la edad hay mayor aumento en las variables antropométricas.
Discusión: Los datos encontrados en el presente estudio permiten alcanzar adecuados niveles de contrastación frente a hallazgos de otros estudios tanto en el voleibol como en otros deportes de conjunto donde la composición corporal juega papel importante en el desempeño deportivo.
Conclusión: Establecer la composición corporal en jugadoras de voleibol de competencia en nuestro contexto regional y nacional permite tener elementos propios para identificar las capacidades de rendimiento de las deportistas y con ello planificar adecuadamente los procesos de entrenamiento deportivo.
Body composition becomes a predictor of physical condition, among competing university sportsmen. Objective: To establish the correlation between age and body composition variables among volleyball players of sporting performance in the Atlantic Department. Material and methods: It was a descriptive correlational study in which 150 sportsmen participated with an average of 17.41 ± 2.38 years, being defined the muestral design from an expected linear correlation of 0.30; 99% confidence and 80% statistical power if defined by the master who met the inclusion criteria. Results: there was a direct and significant correlation between age and BMI, educational level and waist circumference, which shows that as the age advances, there is a greater increase in anthropometric variables. Discussion: The data found in the present study allows to achieve adequate levels of contrast in front of other studios, both in volleyball and in other sports, where body composition plays an important role in sports performance. Conclusion: Establishing the body composition in competing volleyball players in a regional and national context allows us to have proper elements to identify the performance capacities of the sportsmen and how to properly plan the sports training processes.
Body composition becomes a predictor of physical condition, among competing university sportsmen. Objective: To establish the correlation between age and body composition variables among volleyball players of sporting performance in the Atlantic Department. Material and methods: It was a descriptive correlational study in which 150 sportsmen participated with an average of 17.41 ± 2.38 years, being defined the muestral design from an expected linear correlation of 0.30; 99% confidence and 80% statistical power if defined by the master who met the inclusion criteria. Results: there was a direct and significant correlation between age and BMI, educational level and waist circumference, which shows that as the age advances, there is a greater increase in anthropometric variables. Discussion: The data found in the present study allows to achieve adequate levels of contrast in front of other studios, both in volleyball and in other sports, where body composition plays an important role in sports performance. Conclusion: Establishing the body composition in competing volleyball players in a regional and national context allows us to have proper elements to identify the performance capacities of the sportsmen and how to properly plan the sports training processes.
Palabras clave
Composición corporal, Índice de masa corporal, Antropometría, Voleibol, Ejercicio, Body composition, Body mass index, Anthropometry, Volleyball, Exercise