Bienestar psicológico y contextos relacionales de adolescentes con ideación suicida en el caribe colombiano
Ebratt-Castro, Lucy
Cudris-Torres, Lorena
Bahamón, Marly J.
Bonilla–Cruz, Nidia J.
Pinzón-Atencio, Estela
Navarro-Rodrigue, Fleury
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología y de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Objetivos: Comprender cómo construyen su sentido de
bienestar personal en sus contextos relacionales los adolescentes
con ideación suicida.
Materiales y métodos: Se utilizó un enfoque mixto, con diseño
secuencial descriptivo, en una muestra de 27 estudiantes
(19% femenino y 8% masculino), entre los 12 y 16 años.
Como técnica cuantitativa se utilizaron la Escala de Bienestar
Psicológico (BIPSI) y la Escala de Evaluación del Riesgo
Suicida (ERS); a nivel cualitativo se trabajó con entrevista
semiestructurada que constaba de 6 preguntas abiertas que
aproximaron a los investigadores a la comprensión que tienen
los jóvenes de las categorías Bienestar Personal y Contextos
Relacionales Significativos. La escala de Evaluación
del Riesgo Suicida permite observar si el sujeto posee un
perfil suicida, mientras que, la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico,
permite estandarizar la percepción que tiene el sujeto
sobre su propio bienestar, ajustándose esto a los objetivos
del estudio.
Resultados: El análisis de la Escala Bienestar Psicológico
(BIPSI) corresponde a un valor global de 61% que, ubica a los
adolescentes en un indicador mínimo de Bienestar Psicológico.
El análisis de los factores de riesgo suicida en hombres
arrojó un valor global de 63% que, representa un indicador
alto según la estadística descriptiva de la Escala de Evaluación
del Riesgo Suicida (ERS). El análisis de los factores de
riesgo suicida en mujeres arrojó un valor global de 59% que
representa un indicador alto según la estadística descriptiva
de la Escala de Evaluación del Riesgo Suicida (ERS).
Conclusiones: La percepción de Bienestar Personal de en
los adolescentes con ideación suicida precisa de vínculos interpersonales,
de manera que, en esta etapa del ciclo vital
del ser humano, juega un papel preponderante el componente
grupal para dicha percepción.
Objectives: to understand how adolescents with suicidal ideation build their sense of personal well-being in their relational contexts. Materials and methods: A mixed approach, with descriptive sequential design, was used in a sample of 27 students (19% female and 8% male), between 12 and 16 years old. As a quantitative technique, the Psychological Wellbeing Scale (BIPSI) and the Suicidal Risk Assessment Scale (ERS) were used; At a qualitative level, we worked with a semi-structured interview that consisted of 6 open-ended questions that brought researchers closer to the understanding that young people have in the categories of Personal Well-being and Significant Relational Contexts. The Suicidal Risk Assessment scale allows us to see if the subject has a suicidal profile, while the Psychological Well-being Scale allows the subject’s perception of their own wellbeing to be standardized, adjusting this to the objectives of the study. Results: The analysis of the Psychological Wellbeing Scale (BIPSI) corresponds to a global value of 61% which places adolescents in a minimum indicator of Psychological Well- Recibido: 8/3/2020 Aceptado: 15/04/2020 AVFT Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacología y Terapéutica Volumen 39, número 3, 2020 269 being. The analysis of suicidal risk factors in men showed an overall value of 63%, which represents a high indicator according to the descriptive statistics of the Suicide Risk Assessment Scale (ERS). The analysis of suicide risk factors in women showed a global value of 59%, which represents a high indicator according to the descriptive statistics of the Suicide Risk Assessment Scale (ERS). Conclusions: The perception of Personal Well-being of adolescents with precise suicidal ideation of interpersonal links, so that, at this stage of the human life cycle, the group component for this perception plays a preponderant role.
Objectives: to understand how adolescents with suicidal ideation build their sense of personal well-being in their relational contexts. Materials and methods: A mixed approach, with descriptive sequential design, was used in a sample of 27 students (19% female and 8% male), between 12 and 16 years old. As a quantitative technique, the Psychological Wellbeing Scale (BIPSI) and the Suicidal Risk Assessment Scale (ERS) were used; At a qualitative level, we worked with a semi-structured interview that consisted of 6 open-ended questions that brought researchers closer to the understanding that young people have in the categories of Personal Well-being and Significant Relational Contexts. The Suicidal Risk Assessment scale allows us to see if the subject has a suicidal profile, while the Psychological Well-being Scale allows the subject’s perception of their own wellbeing to be standardized, adjusting this to the objectives of the study. Results: The analysis of the Psychological Wellbeing Scale (BIPSI) corresponds to a global value of 61% which places adolescents in a minimum indicator of Psychological Well- Recibido: 8/3/2020 Aceptado: 15/04/2020 AVFT Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacología y Terapéutica Volumen 39, número 3, 2020 269 being. The analysis of suicidal risk factors in men showed an overall value of 63%, which represents a high indicator according to the descriptive statistics of the Suicide Risk Assessment Scale (ERS). The analysis of suicide risk factors in women showed a global value of 59%, which represents a high indicator according to the descriptive statistics of the Suicide Risk Assessment Scale (ERS). Conclusions: The perception of Personal Well-being of adolescents with precise suicidal ideation of interpersonal links, so that, at this stage of the human life cycle, the group component for this perception plays a preponderant role.
Palabras clave
Bienestar personal, Contextos relacionales, Ideación suicida, Adolescencia, Personal well-being, Relational contexts, Suicidal ideation, Adolescence