Estrategias de fortalecimiento en la calidad del servicio y la satisfacción en los usuarios de los programas virtuales de pregrado de la corporación universitaria americana, ubicada en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Avella Marín, Wilman Orlando
Bolívar Bolívar, Luis Fernando
Manjarrés Rico, Alejandro Enrique
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El objetivo de la presente investigación es evaluar la percepción de los estudiantes sobre la calidad del servicio educativo y la facilitación de herramientas tecnológicas en la Corporación Universitaria Americana de la ciudad de Barranquilla para generar propuestas de mejora institucional. El tipo de investigación es descriptivo y correlacional, con enfoque sistémico y cuantitativo, y el diseño es no-experimental. Para recolectar información se utilizaron fuentes primarias (estudiantes) y secundarias (documentos de archivo y bibliografía). El universo poblacional es de 1.721 estudiantes de programas virtuales, y la muestra representativa es de 240 estudiantes seleccionados de los Programas de Administración de Empresas, Contaduría Pública, Negocios Internacionales e Ingeniería Industrial. La encuesta aplicada a estudiantes se evaluó por medio del Alfa de Cronbach para validar su confiabilidad. Se tiene como principio para el análisis e interpretación de la información que la percepción de la calidad del servicio que ofrece la Universidad se valora por la satisfacción de las expectativas, intereses y necesidades de los estudiantes. Como resultados, se observa la alta tasa de satisfacción de los estudiantes por la calidad de las plataformas virtuales que ofrece la Universidad, por la gestión de administrativos y docentes, por la didáctica de los encuentros sincrónicos, por los canales de comunicación oportunos y ágiles, por las respuestas adecuadas a los requerimientos de los estudiantes, por la actualización y competencia de los docentes y por la gestión del Departamento de Bienestar Institucional.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the students' perception of the quality of the educational service and the provision of technological tools at the Corporación Universitaria Americana in the city of Barranquilla in order to generate proposals for institutional improvement. The type of research is descriptive and correlational, with a systemic and quantitative approach, and the design is non-experimental. Primary (students) and secondary (archival documents and bibliography) sources were used to collect information. The population universe is 1,721 students of virtual programs, and the representative sample is 240 students selected from the Business Administration, Public Accounting, International Business and Industrial Engineering Programs. The survey applied to students was evaluated by means of Cronbach's Alpha to validate its reliability. The principle for the analysis and interpretation of the information is that the perception of the quality of the service offered by the University is assessed by the satisfaction of the expectations, interests and needs of the students. The results show a high rate of student satisfaction with the quality of the virtual platforms offered by the University, the management of administrative and teaching staff, the didactics of the synchronous meetings, the timely and agile communication channels, the adequate responses to student requirements, the updating and competence of the teachers, and the management of the Institutional Welfare Department.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the students' perception of the quality of the educational service and the provision of technological tools at the Corporación Universitaria Americana in the city of Barranquilla in order to generate proposals for institutional improvement. The type of research is descriptive and correlational, with a systemic and quantitative approach, and the design is non-experimental. Primary (students) and secondary (archival documents and bibliography) sources were used to collect information. The population universe is 1,721 students of virtual programs, and the representative sample is 240 students selected from the Business Administration, Public Accounting, International Business and Industrial Engineering Programs. The survey applied to students was evaluated by means of Cronbach's Alpha to validate its reliability. The principle for the analysis and interpretation of the information is that the perception of the quality of the service offered by the University is assessed by the satisfaction of the expectations, interests and needs of the students. The results show a high rate of student satisfaction with the quality of the virtual platforms offered by the University, the management of administrative and teaching staff, the didactics of the synchronous meetings, the timely and agile communication channels, the adequate responses to student requirements, the updating and competence of the teachers, and the management of the Institutional Welfare Department.
Palabras clave
Educación, Servicio, Calidad, Virtualidad, Education, Service, Quality, Virtuality