Uso de la musicoterapia en el fortalecimiento de las habilidades socioemocionales para la creación de un centro de apoyo
Torres Pérez, Marly Ximena
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Esta investigación referida a las habilidades socioemocionales en niños, niñas y adolescentes a través de la musicoterapia, según un artículo de la revista Tendencias en el año 2020 los investigadores de la Universidad Queens de Belfast (Irlanda del norte) han comprobado que la musicoterapia ayudar a reducir la depresión en niños y adolescentes con problemas emocionales y de conducta. La musicoterapia tiene múltiples beneficios, a partir del desarrollo y fortalecimiento de las habilidades socioemocionales, donde se promueve la expresión de sentimientos, emociones, ideas y pensamientos, benefician la comprensión del cuidado propio y el de la otra persona. Por otra parte, para cumplir con el objetivo de esta investigación se planteó un objetivo general que es fortalecer las habilidades socioemocionales de niños, niñas y adolescentes mediante la musicoterapia y dos específicos uno fue de identificar las habilidades socioemocionales a nivel personal y familiar de los niños niñas y adolescentes y facilitar vivencias activas y participativas en grupo mediante propuestas musicales, los materiales fueron un desarrollo para la descripción de valores que se conocerán a través de unas herramientas aplicadas y el enfoque de esta investigación se maneja bajo el plano metodológico de enfoque cuantitativo, el diseño de esta investigación se define como no exploratoria con alcance descriptivo, entre los resultados evidenciados dentro de este documente está el fortalecimiento de las habilidades socioemocionales en niños, niñas y adolescentes las cuales explican que al identificar las habilidades socioemocionales a nivel personal y familiar de los niños, niñas y adolescentes estas pueden ser priorizadas o trabajadas dependiendo de las necesidades de cada persona. Para fortalecer las habilidades socioemocionales se fundamenta en sesiones de musicoterapia que establecen objetivos según las habilidades detectadas y priorizada en las encuestas y entrevistas a los participantes y a sus padres. En dichos encuentros, se facilita la expresión, la comunicación, la resolución de conflictos, por medio de la participación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Como resultado se espera que, después de aplicar dicho programa, haya mejores relaciones familiares y sociales, con más empatía y tolerancia, relaciones positivas entre pares, toma de decisiones responsable, mejor capacidad para regular emociones, entre otros. Se puede concluir con aspectos muy importantes y es que la musicoterapia es un proceso sistemático con unos objetivos claros, puesto que siempre tiene un propósito. Asimismo, es organizada por medio del establecimiento de encuentros regulares y planificados y es metódica porque utiliza un procedimiento de tres etapas: diagnóstico, tratamiento y evaluación. Los estudios revisados evidenciaron que el uso de la musicoterapia ayudar en los procesos saludables del ser humano y que la música como medio para fortalecer las habilidades socioemocionales se debe explorar más, por otra parte, las actividades deben plantearse en función de un diagnóstico principal para poder dar respuestas a las necesidades de los diferentes participantes. Las habilidades socioemocionales son importantes trabajarlas en edades tempranas ya que los niños, posee la capacidad de adquirir aprendizajes de forma más rápida e interiorizan mejor los conceptos, también permite comprender y regular los sentimientos y emociones que posee cada individuo.
This research referred to socioemotional skills in children and adolescents through music therapy, according to an article in the journal Trends in 2020, researchers at Queens University in Belfast (Northern Ireland) have proven that music therapy helps reduce depression in children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems. Music therapy has multiple benefits, from the development and strengthening of socioemotional skills, where the expression of feelings, emotions, ideas and thoughts is promoted, benefiting the understanding of self-care and that of the other person. On the other hand, in order to fulfill the objective of this research, a general objective was set, which is to strengthen the socioemotional skills of children and adolescents through music therapy, and two specific ones, one was to identify the socioemotional skills at a personal and family level of children and adolescents and to facilitate active and participatory experiences in groups through musical proposals, The design of this research is defined as non-exploratory with descriptive scope, among the results evidenced in this document is the strengthening of socioemotional skills in children and adolescents, which explain that by identifying the socioemotional skills at the personal and family level of children and adolescents, these can be prioritized or worked on depending on the needs of each person. To strengthen socioemotional skills, music therapy sessions are used to establish objectives according to the skills detected and prioritized in the surveys and interviews with participants and their parents. In these meetings, expression, communication and conflict resolution are facilitated through the participation of children and adolescents. As a result, it is expected that, after applying this program, there will be better family and social relationships, with more empathy and tolerance, positive peer relationships, responsible decision making, better ability to regulate emotions, among others. We can conclude that music therapy is a systematic process with clear objectives, since it always has a purpose. It is also organized through the establishment of regular and planned meetings and is methodical because it uses a three-stage procedure: diagnosis, treatment and evaluation. The studies reviewed showed that the use of music therapy helps in the healthy processes of the human being and that music as a means to strengthen socioemotional skills should be explored more; on the other hand, the activities should be planned according to a main diagnosis in order to respond to the needs of the different participants. Socioemotional skills are important to work on at an early age, since children have the ability to acquire learning more quickly and internalize concepts better, as well as to understand and regulate the feelings and emotions that each individual possesses.
This research referred to socioemotional skills in children and adolescents through music therapy, according to an article in the journal Trends in 2020, researchers at Queens University in Belfast (Northern Ireland) have proven that music therapy helps reduce depression in children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems. Music therapy has multiple benefits, from the development and strengthening of socioemotional skills, where the expression of feelings, emotions, ideas and thoughts is promoted, benefiting the understanding of self-care and that of the other person. On the other hand, in order to fulfill the objective of this research, a general objective was set, which is to strengthen the socioemotional skills of children and adolescents through music therapy, and two specific ones, one was to identify the socioemotional skills at a personal and family level of children and adolescents and to facilitate active and participatory experiences in groups through musical proposals, The design of this research is defined as non-exploratory with descriptive scope, among the results evidenced in this document is the strengthening of socioemotional skills in children and adolescents, which explain that by identifying the socioemotional skills at the personal and family level of children and adolescents, these can be prioritized or worked on depending on the needs of each person. To strengthen socioemotional skills, music therapy sessions are used to establish objectives according to the skills detected and prioritized in the surveys and interviews with participants and their parents. In these meetings, expression, communication and conflict resolution are facilitated through the participation of children and adolescents. As a result, it is expected that, after applying this program, there will be better family and social relationships, with more empathy and tolerance, positive peer relationships, responsible decision making, better ability to regulate emotions, among others. We can conclude that music therapy is a systematic process with clear objectives, since it always has a purpose. It is also organized through the establishment of regular and planned meetings and is methodical because it uses a three-stage procedure: diagnosis, treatment and evaluation. The studies reviewed showed that the use of music therapy helps in the healthy processes of the human being and that music as a means to strengthen socioemotional skills should be explored more; on the other hand, the activities should be planned according to a main diagnosis in order to respond to the needs of the different participants. Socioemotional skills are important to work on at an early age, since children have the ability to acquire learning more quickly and internalize concepts better, as well as to understand and regulate the feelings and emotions that each individual possesses.
Palabras clave
Habilidades, Niños, Musicoterapia, Desarrollo, Salud mental, Skills, Children, Music therap, Developing, Depression, Mental health