Construcción del concepto de calidad educativa desde la perspectiva de algunos docentes del sector oficial: Un estudio de teoría fundamentada
Méndez Santamaría, Jennifer Esther
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación ofrece una aproximación a la construcción del concepto de calidad educativa desde la perspectiva de los docentes del sector oficial. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo basado en la Teoría Fundamentada (TF). Los participantes fueron 11 profesores que respondieron entrevistas semiestructuradas, analizadas a través de los lineamientos de la TF. EL modelo propuesto distingue una categoría central denominada “Integralidad de la Calidad Educativa” y a partir de esta, se desprendieron 5 dimensiones bajo las cuales construyen el concepto del fenómeno en estudio, mismas que le apuntan a la Formación integral del estudiante; estas son: los Actores de la educación, Contenidos Curriculares y su relevancia en la educación, visión empresarial de la educación, Medición de la calidad por las pruebas saber, Equidad y Calidad Educativa. Esto muestra el significado multidimensional que le dan los docentes al concepto de calidad educativa, para ellos es un conjunto de elementos que no se deben separar. Los resultados de este estudio, son de gran utilidad para avanzar en una mejor comprensión de cómo se debe percibir la Calidad Educativa y pensar en nuevas formas de evaluarlas, que den cuenta de los procesos que se llevan en cada Institución, sin anular las particularidades del contexto.
This research offers an approach to the construction of the concept of educational quality from the perspective of teachers in the official sector. A qualitative study based on the Grounded Theory (GT) was carried out. The participants were 11 teachers who answered semi-structured interviews, analyzed through the guidelines of the GT. The proposed model distinguishes a central category called "Integrality of Educational Quality" and from this, 5 dimensions emerged under which they build the concept of the phenomenon under study, which point to the integral formation of the student; These are: the Actors of education, Curriculum Content and its relevance in education, business vision of education, Measurement of quality by tests to know, Equity and Educational Quality. This shows the multidimensional meaning that teachers give to the concept of educational quality, for them it is a set of elements that should not be separated. The results of this study are very useful to advance in a better understanding of how Educational Quality should be perceived and to think of new ways of evaluating them, which account for the processes that are carried out in each Institution, without canceling the particularities of the context.
This research offers an approach to the construction of the concept of educational quality from the perspective of teachers in the official sector. A qualitative study based on the Grounded Theory (GT) was carried out. The participants were 11 teachers who answered semi-structured interviews, analyzed through the guidelines of the GT. The proposed model distinguishes a central category called "Integrality of Educational Quality" and from this, 5 dimensions emerged under which they build the concept of the phenomenon under study, which point to the integral formation of the student; These are: the Actors of education, Curriculum Content and its relevance in education, business vision of education, Measurement of quality by tests to know, Equity and Educational Quality. This shows the multidimensional meaning that teachers give to the concept of educational quality, for them it is a set of elements that should not be separated. The results of this study are very useful to advance in a better understanding of how Educational Quality should be perceived and to think of new ways of evaluating them, which account for the processes that are carried out in each Institution, without canceling the particularities of the context.
Palabras clave
Calidad educativa, Investigación cualitativa, Teoría fundamentada, Educational quality, Qualitative research, Grounded theory