Compromiso ocular en la nefritis lúpica
Molina Méndez, Said José
Pavajeau Núñez, Luis Alejandro
Sánchez Rosania, Ricardo Alberto
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico (LES) es una enfermedad de
carácter autoinmune, sistémica, Su etiología es desconocida; sin embargo, los
factores genéticos y una respuesta inmunitaria anormal probablemente interactúan
para producir la enfermedad. La afectación renal es una complicación frecuente en
esta enfermedad, con una importante influencia en el pronóstico de la misma
aumentando la morbimortalidad de los pacientes que la padecen.
Las alteraciones urinarias -proteinuria, microhematuria o ambas- en los pacientes
con lupus sistémico se presentan hasta en un 50% en el momento del diagnóstico
y pueden aparecer hasta en el 75% a lo largo de su evolución. Las
manifestaciones renales son muy variables y pueden ir desde una proteinuria
mínima y alteraciones urinarias asintomáticas, hasta una glomerulonefritis
rápidamente progresiva. Las lesiones oftálmicas En estos pacientes son muy
frecuentes, generando gran compromiso de las estructuras del globo ocular por
patologías propias de este órgano y que van a repercutir en el pobre
funcionamiento de este órgano tan importante.
Por esta razón ha sido motivo de especial énfasis en Esta monografía investigar
todas esas lesiones oftálmicas que pueden presentarse en los pacientes
con Nefropatía Lúpica, daremos a conocer y describiremos cuáles son esas
manifestaciones oftálmicas más frecuentes que pueden aparecer en estos
OBJETIVO: Realizar una revisión ampliada y actualizada acerca de las diferentes
lesiones oftalmológicas que se presentan en los pacientes con nefritis lúpica con el
fin de tener una base sólida a nivel teórico para la realizar un estudio sobre la
prevalencia de las lesiones oftalmológicas presentes en pacientes con nefritis
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease, systemic nature, etiology is unknown; however, genetic factors and an abnormal immune response probably interact to produce disease. Renal disease is a common complication in this disease, with significant influence on the prognosis of it increasing the morbidity and mortality of patients suffering. Urinary alterations, proteinuria, hematuria or both- in patients with systemic lupus occur up to 50% at the time of diagnosis and may appear up to 75% throughout its evolution. Renal manifestations are highly variable and can range from a minimum proteinuria and asymptomatic urinary abnormalities, to a rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Ophthalmic lesions in these patients are common, generating strong commitment of the structures of the eyeball by own pathologies of this organ and that will affect the poor functioning of this important organ. Far this reason it has been of particular emphasis in this monograph investigate all these eye injuries that can occur in patients with nephropathy Lúpica, we will disclose and describe what those most frequent ophthalmic manifestations that may occur in these patients are. OBJECTIVE: Perform an expanded and updated about the different eye injuries that occur in patients with lupus nephritis in arder to have a salid faundation theoretically far a study on the prevalence of ophthalmologic lesions in patients with lupus nephritis review.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease, systemic nature, etiology is unknown; however, genetic factors and an abnormal immune response probably interact to produce disease. Renal disease is a common complication in this disease, with significant influence on the prognosis of it increasing the morbidity and mortality of patients suffering. Urinary alterations, proteinuria, hematuria or both- in patients with systemic lupus occur up to 50% at the time of diagnosis and may appear up to 75% throughout its evolution. Renal manifestations are highly variable and can range from a minimum proteinuria and asymptomatic urinary abnormalities, to a rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Ophthalmic lesions in these patients are common, generating strong commitment of the structures of the eyeball by own pathologies of this organ and that will affect the poor functioning of this important organ. Far this reason it has been of particular emphasis in this monograph investigate all these eye injuries that can occur in patients with nephropathy Lúpica, we will disclose and describe what those most frequent ophthalmic manifestations that may occur in these patients are. OBJECTIVE: Perform an expanded and updated about the different eye injuries that occur in patients with lupus nephritis in arder to have a salid faundation theoretically far a study on the prevalence of ophthalmologic lesions in patients with lupus nephritis review.
Palabras clave
Lesiones Oftalmológicas, Nefritis Lúpica, Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico, Ophthalmological injury, Lupus nephritis, Systemic lupus erythematosus