Pedagogía emergente: Bioética y Humanidades Digitales como agentes religantes en contextos de incertidumbre
Méndez Salamanca, Nelson Michael
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Los desafíos actuales abarcan un sinnúmero de situaciones que afectan notoriamente la condición humana; el devenir constante de elementos emergentes, diversos, complejos, hacen que la existencia en este mundo se tenga que adaptar y en efecto es lo que se vive en la actualidad. El desarrollo vertiginoso de la sociedad y sus procesos evolutivos conllevan a aplicar una resiliencia que hace algunas décadas no era tan evidente; es así como, los desarrollos tecnológicos, cada vez son más frecuentes y versátiles, a diario se vislumbran actualizaciones, nuevas versiones, prototipos, entre otros; el mundo cambiante en el que la sociedad se desenvuelve está en constante movimiento y la relación humana/tecnología se religa con mayor relevancia en contextos multipropósito.
Con esta denotación, se hace entrever que la evolución de la tecnología permite interactuar con lugares, personas, empresas, en formato online; el ser humano ha creado una tecnosfera, que propicia la posibilidad de interrelacionarse con la realidad tangible e intangible que lo rodea, en tiempo real. Al iniciar la tercera década del siglo XXI, surge una crisis mundial con la aparición de un virus originario de Wuhan (China) el 31 de diciembre de 2019, según datos de la Organización Mundial de la salud (OMS, 2019, Párr. 1). Esta situación obligó a la humanidad a un confinamiento preventivo para disminuir el contagio debido al crecimiento vertiginoso de la enfermedad, el colapso planetario afectó todas las esferas y en especial el comportamiento humano. La educación a nivel mundial entró en crisis al no estar preparado el sistema educativo para una educación remota, una educación desde casa. Según datos del Banco Mundial (2020)
The current challenges cover a number of situations that notoriously affect the human condition; The constant evolution of emerging, diverse, complex elements means that existence in this world has to adapt, and in fact it is what is lived today. The vertiginous development of society and its evolutionary processes lead to applying a resilience that a few decades ago was not so evident; This is how technological developments are becoming more frequent and versatile, daily updates, new versions, prototypes, among others; the changing world in which society unfolds is in constant movement and the human/technology relationship is linked with greater relevance in multipurpose contexts. With this denotation, it is suggested that the evolution of technology allows interaction with places, people, companies, in online format; the human being has created a technosphere, which fosters the possibility of interrelating with the tangible and intangible reality that surrounds him, in real time. At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, a global crisis arises with the appearance of a virus originating in Wuhan (China) on December 31, 2019, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019, Para. 1) . This situation forced humanity into preventive confinement to reduce contagion due to the dizzying growth of the disease, the planetary collapse affected all spheres and especially human behavior. Education worldwide entered a crisis as the educational system was not prepared for remote education, education from home. According to data from the World Bank (2020)
The current challenges cover a number of situations that notoriously affect the human condition; The constant evolution of emerging, diverse, complex elements means that existence in this world has to adapt, and in fact it is what is lived today. The vertiginous development of society and its evolutionary processes lead to applying a resilience that a few decades ago was not so evident; This is how technological developments are becoming more frequent and versatile, daily updates, new versions, prototypes, among others; the changing world in which society unfolds is in constant movement and the human/technology relationship is linked with greater relevance in multipurpose contexts. With this denotation, it is suggested that the evolution of technology allows interaction with places, people, companies, in online format; the human being has created a technosphere, which fosters the possibility of interrelating with the tangible and intangible reality that surrounds him, in real time. At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, a global crisis arises with the appearance of a virus originating in Wuhan (China) on December 31, 2019, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019, Para. 1) . This situation forced humanity into preventive confinement to reduce contagion due to the dizzying growth of the disease, the planetary collapse affected all spheres and especially human behavior. Education worldwide entered a crisis as the educational system was not prepared for remote education, education from home. According to data from the World Bank (2020)
Palabras clave
Metaverso educativo, Humanidades digitales, Bioética, Investigación acción digital, Pedagogía emergente, Educational metaverse, Digital humanities, Bioethics, Digital action research, Emerging pedagogy