Afiliación al sistema general de riesgos laborales de trabajadores independientes en Barranquilla a partir de la Ley 1562 del 2012
Botero Molina, Aura Daniela
De La Hoz Manga, Jairo Jose
Rodriguez Pacheco, Vires Juliana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad De Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad De Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente proyecto de investigación, pretende caracterizar el vacío jurídico de la regulación en la Afiliación al Sistema General de Riesgos Laborales de los trabajadores independientes de la ciudad de Barranquilla a partir de la ley 1562 del 2012. La ley 1562 del 2012 define al Sistema General de Riesgos Laborales como el conjunto de entidades públicas y privadas, normas y procedimientos, destinados a prevenir, proteger y atender a los trabajadores de los efectos de las enfermedades y los accidentes que puedan ocurrirles con ocasión o como consecuencia del trabajo que desarrollan. Las disposiciones vigentes de salud ocupacional relacionadas con la prevención de los accidentes de trabajo y enfermedades laborales y el mejoramiento de las condiciones de trabajo. Al interpretar esta amplia definición del Sistema surge nuestra pregunta de investigación que es la siguiente: ¿Cómo podemos caracterizar el vacío jurídico presentado en la afiliación al Sistema General de Riesgos Laborales en relación a los trabajadores independientes en barranquilla a partir de la ley 1562 del 2012?, Para la solución de esta, los estudios fueron realizados bajo los lineamientos del paradigma histórico hermenéutico, con un tipo de investigación cualitativa. Consta de tres capítulos, el primero, donde hacemos alusión a las modificaciones al Sistema General de Riesgos Laborales a la luz de la ley 1562 del 2012, donde existe la comparación entre la Ley 100 que daba concepto sobre el Sistema General de Riesgos Profesionales es ahora llamado Sistema General de Riesgos Laborales por la Ley 1562 de 2012. En el segundo capítulo frente los Derechos que se afectan por la no afiliación al Sistema General de Riesgos Laborales en los trabajadores independientes al momento de realizar un contrato de prestación de servicios, los cuales están organizados en orden Constitucional en donde dependerá de las condiciones del trabajador y de los derechos que más se le ven afectados en su desarrollo profesional, en donde todos son importantes pero que sin duda unos se presentan más que otros cuando se habla del vació jurídico en los trabajadores independientes. Y por último un tercer capítulo que se compone de las Percepciones de los trabajadores independientes en relación al vacío jurídico de la afiliación al Sistema General de Riesgos Laborales en la Ley 100 de 1993 y la Ley 1562 del 2012, donde se utilizó la técnica de las encuestas; realizadas a 13 trabajadores independientes de la población Barranquillera con contrato de prestación de Servicios o sin él que constan de siete preguntas cerradas. Los datos analizados recalcan la existencia de un persistente
vacío jurídico que ha durado muchísimos años y aún no ha sido resuelto, en primera medida nos dispone que los trabajadores independientes, así como pueden tener la condición de prestación de servicios de igual manera pueden seguir siendo de esta sin tener dicha modalidad.
The present research project aims to characterize the legal vacuum in the regulation of the Affiliation to the General System of Occupational Risks of independent workers in the city of Barranquilla, starting with Law 1562 of 2012. Law 1562 of 2012 defines the General System of Labor Risks as the group of public and private entities, norms and procedures, destined to prevent, protect, and attend to workers from the effects of illnesses and accidents that may occur to them on occasion of or as a consequence of the work they develop. The current occupational health provisions related to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases and the improvement of working conditions. When interpreting this broad definition of the System, our research question arises, which is the following: How can we characterize the legal vacuum presented in the affiliation to the General System of Labor Risks in relation to independent workers in Barranquilla as of Law 1562 of 2012? To solve this, the studies were carried out under the guidelines of the historical hermeneutic paradigm, with a type of qualitative research. It consists of three chapters, the first, where we allude to the modifications to the General System of Occupational Risks in light of Law 1562 of 2012, where there is a comparison between Law 100 that gave concept on the General System of Occupational Risks is now called General System of Occupational Risks by Law 1562 of 2012. The second chapter deals with the rights affected by non-affiliation with the General System of Occupational Risks for independent workers at the time of signing a contract for the provision of services, which are organized in a constitutional order where they depend on the conditions of the worker and the rights that are most affected in their professional development, where all are important but some are undoubtedly more important than others when talking about the legal void in independent workers. And finally a third chapter that consists of the Perceptions of independent workers in relation to the legal vacuum of affiliation to the General System of Occupational Hazards in Law 100 of 1993 and Law 1562 of 2012, where the technique of surveys was used; made to 13 independent workers of the barranquillera population with or without a contract for the provision of services that consists of seven closed questions. The data analyzed emphasizes the existence of a persistent legal vacuum that has lasted many years and has not yet been resolved, in the first place provides us that independent workers, as well as may have the status of service provision in the same way can continue to be this without having such a modality.
The present research project aims to characterize the legal vacuum in the regulation of the Affiliation to the General System of Occupational Risks of independent workers in the city of Barranquilla, starting with Law 1562 of 2012. Law 1562 of 2012 defines the General System of Labor Risks as the group of public and private entities, norms and procedures, destined to prevent, protect, and attend to workers from the effects of illnesses and accidents that may occur to them on occasion of or as a consequence of the work they develop. The current occupational health provisions related to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases and the improvement of working conditions. When interpreting this broad definition of the System, our research question arises, which is the following: How can we characterize the legal vacuum presented in the affiliation to the General System of Labor Risks in relation to independent workers in Barranquilla as of Law 1562 of 2012? To solve this, the studies were carried out under the guidelines of the historical hermeneutic paradigm, with a type of qualitative research. It consists of three chapters, the first, where we allude to the modifications to the General System of Occupational Risks in light of Law 1562 of 2012, where there is a comparison between Law 100 that gave concept on the General System of Occupational Risks is now called General System of Occupational Risks by Law 1562 of 2012. The second chapter deals with the rights affected by non-affiliation with the General System of Occupational Risks for independent workers at the time of signing a contract for the provision of services, which are organized in a constitutional order where they depend on the conditions of the worker and the rights that are most affected in their professional development, where all are important but some are undoubtedly more important than others when talking about the legal void in independent workers. And finally a third chapter that consists of the Perceptions of independent workers in relation to the legal vacuum of affiliation to the General System of Occupational Hazards in Law 100 of 1993 and Law 1562 of 2012, where the technique of surveys was used; made to 13 independent workers of the barranquillera population with or without a contract for the provision of services that consists of seven closed questions. The data analyzed emphasizes the existence of a persistent legal vacuum that has lasted many years and has not yet been resolved, in the first place provides us that independent workers, as well as may have the status of service provision in the same way can continue to be this without having such a modality.
Palabras clave
Afiliación, Sistema general de riesgos laborales, Trabajadores independientes, Affiliation, General occupational risk system, Independent workers