Percepción de la calidad en la atención recibida según las usuarias gestantes en una empresa social del estado en el Atlántico en el año 2022-2
Diaza Leiva, Cristhian Ramon
Contreras Martínez, Soleiny Karim
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Antecedentes: La problemática en relación a este fenómeno de estudio radica en
que no existe mucha información a la mano sobre la calidad del servicio de las
gestantes que si lo reciben, si bien encontramos trabajos académicos como el
artículo publicado por la Universidad Libre sobre el municipio de Malambo en el que
sobresalen datos como que el 40% de las usuarias afirmaban que no se les
realizaban las actividades básicas en consulta sobre las que se les encuestaba, y
en donde el 20% percibía que la atención durante la atención no superaba sus
Objetivos: Esta investigación busca aportar nuevos saberes y conocimientos a las
instituciones de salud con la finalidad de tener presente aspectos a mejorar en el
servicio prestado a las gestantes, para identificar oportunidades y debilidades en la
calidad de la atención brindada y que al mismo tiempo que puedan ser precursores
de iniciativas para fomentar cambios en la atención a las maternas y con ellos
generar disminución en la insatisfacción de las usuarias, es por ello que se buscó
determinar la percepción de la calidad en la atención recibida según usuarias en
una empresa social del estado en el Atlántico en el año 2022-2, del mismo modo
identificar el nivel global de satisfacción.
Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo descriptivo de corte
transversal en una E.S.E en el departamento del Atlántico en el periodo
comprendido del mes de agosto a noviembre del año 2022 con el objetivo de
determinar la percepción de calidad en la atención prestada a las gestantes que
fueron recibidas en dicha institución. En la muestra participaron 107 mujeres
mayores de edad en etapa de embarazo residentes en el casco urbano o rural del
municipio de Sabanalarga y que acudan a la E.S.E en el departamento del Atlántico
en el periodo comprendido del mes de agosto a noviembre del año 2022, el tipo de
muestra fue probabilística aleatoria simple. Para este estudio se utilizó como
herramienta de análisis una encuesta de percepción de satisfacción del usuario
prediseñada en la empresa social del estado con el objetivo de medir la calidad en
la atención brindada .
Background: The problem in relation to this study phenomenon lies in the fact that there is not much information at hand on the quality of service of pregnant women who do receive it, although we found academic works such as the article published by the Universidad Libre on the municipality of Malambo in which data stand out such as that 40% of the users stated that the basic activities were not performed in consultation about which they were surveyed, and where 20% perceived that the attention during care did not exceed their expectations. Objectives: This research seeks to contribute new knowledge and insights to health institutions in order to keep in mind aspects to be improved in the service provided to pregnant women, to identify opportunities and weaknesses in the quality of care provided and at the same time that they can be precursors of initiatives to promote changes in maternal care and with them generate a decrease in the dissatisfaction of users, Therefore, we sought to determine the perception of the quality of care received according to users in a social enterprise of the state in Atlántico in the year 2022-2, and to identify the overall level of satisfaction. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out in an E.S.E. in the department of Atlántico from August to November 2022 with the objective of determining the perception of quality in the care provided to pregnant women who were received in this institution. The sample included 107 women of legal age in the stage of pregnancy residing in the urban or rural area of the municipality of Sabanalarga and attending the E.S.E. in the department of Atlántico from August to November 2022, the type of sample was simple random probability. For this study we used as a tool of analysis a survey of user satisfaction perception predesigned in the social enterprise of the state with the objective of measuring the quality of care provided.
Background: The problem in relation to this study phenomenon lies in the fact that there is not much information at hand on the quality of service of pregnant women who do receive it, although we found academic works such as the article published by the Universidad Libre on the municipality of Malambo in which data stand out such as that 40% of the users stated that the basic activities were not performed in consultation about which they were surveyed, and where 20% perceived that the attention during care did not exceed their expectations. Objectives: This research seeks to contribute new knowledge and insights to health institutions in order to keep in mind aspects to be improved in the service provided to pregnant women, to identify opportunities and weaknesses in the quality of care provided and at the same time that they can be precursors of initiatives to promote changes in maternal care and with them generate a decrease in the dissatisfaction of users, Therefore, we sought to determine the perception of the quality of care received according to users in a social enterprise of the state in Atlántico in the year 2022-2, and to identify the overall level of satisfaction. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out in an E.S.E. in the department of Atlántico from August to November 2022 with the objective of determining the perception of quality in the care provided to pregnant women who were received in this institution. The sample included 107 women of legal age in the stage of pregnancy residing in the urban or rural area of the municipality of Sabanalarga and attending the E.S.E. in the department of Atlántico from August to November 2022, the type of sample was simple random probability. For this study we used as a tool of analysis a survey of user satisfaction perception predesigned in the social enterprise of the state with the objective of measuring the quality of care provided.
Palabras clave
Calidad, Percepción, Embarazo, Gestantes, ESE, Salud, Satisfacción, Usuario, Quality, Perception, Pregnancy, Health, Satisfaction, User