La inteligencia emocional como factor de prevención y protección para contra la violencia de género y sexismo en mujeres adolescentes de la I. E. D. Alejandro Obregón
Escorcia Montero, María Valentina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Este proyecto de investigación se centra en analizar la relación entre la inteligencia emocional y la prevalencia de sexismo y violencia de género en adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Distrital Alejandro Obregón. Se plantean objetivos específicos identificar competencias emocionales y niveles de sexismo, comprender la relación entre la educación emocional y las violencias de género, y proponer estrategias de prevención desde un enfoque de género.
Los antecedentes revisados abordan investigaciones relacionadas con la educación emocional, sexismo e inteligencia emocional en adolescentes. Se destaca la importancia de programas preventivos basados en competencias socioemocionales. Además, se explora la relación entre sexismo, inteligencia emocional y estereotipos de género, evidenciando la necesidad de intervenciones para promover la igualdad.
Esta investigación se abordó desde una metodología mixta, combinando enfoques cuantitativos y cualitativos. Como instrumentos de recolección de datos se utilizarán dos cuestionarios para medir inteligencia emocional y sexismo. Se aplicó la Escala de Detección de Sexismo en Adolescentes (DSA) y una adaptación del Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS- 24). El análisis incluyó estadísticas descriptivas, correlacionales y un enfoque cualitativo para comprender las experiencias de los participantes. En los resultados y conclusiones se presentan hallazgos relacionados con competencias emocionales y niveles de sexismo que evidencia una tendencia que los y las estudiantes presenta dificultades en la parte de percepción es decir en su capacidad para sentir y expresar los sentimientos de forma adecuada, una baja compresión y regulación de los estados emocionales. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados del DSA, se presenta un alto grado de sexismo benévolo.
This research project focuses on analyzing the relationship between emotional intelligence and the prevalence of sexism and gender violence in adolescents at the Alejandro Obregón District Educational Institution. Specific objectives are set to identify emotional competencies and levels of sexism, understand the relationship between emotional education and gender violence, and propose prevention strategies from a gender perspective. The reviewed background addresses research related to emotional education, sexism and emotional intelligence in adolescents. The importance of preventive programs based on socio-emotional competencies is highlighted. Additionally, the relationship between sexism, emotional intelligence and gender stereotypes is explored, evidencing the need for interventions to promote equality. This research was approached from a mixed methodology, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. Two questionnaires will be used as data collection instruments to measure emotional intelligence and sexism. The Adolescent Sexism Detection Scale (DSA) and an adaptation of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) were applied. The analysis included descriptive, correlational statistics, and a qualitative approach to understand participants' experiences. The results and conclusions present findings related to emotional competencies and levels of sexism that show a trend that students present difficulties in the perception part, that is, in their ability to feel and express feelings appropriately, a low understanding. and regulation of emotional states. Taking into account the results of the DSA, a high degree of benevolent sexism is present.
This research project focuses on analyzing the relationship between emotional intelligence and the prevalence of sexism and gender violence in adolescents at the Alejandro Obregón District Educational Institution. Specific objectives are set to identify emotional competencies and levels of sexism, understand the relationship between emotional education and gender violence, and propose prevention strategies from a gender perspective. The reviewed background addresses research related to emotional education, sexism and emotional intelligence in adolescents. The importance of preventive programs based on socio-emotional competencies is highlighted. Additionally, the relationship between sexism, emotional intelligence and gender stereotypes is explored, evidencing the need for interventions to promote equality. This research was approached from a mixed methodology, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. Two questionnaires will be used as data collection instruments to measure emotional intelligence and sexism. The Adolescent Sexism Detection Scale (DSA) and an adaptation of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) were applied. The analysis included descriptive, correlational statistics, and a qualitative approach to understand participants' experiences. The results and conclusions present findings related to emotional competencies and levels of sexism that show a trend that students present difficulties in the perception part, that is, in their ability to feel and express feelings appropriately, a low understanding. and regulation of emotional states. Taking into account the results of the DSA, a high degree of benevolent sexism is present.
Palabras clave
Inteligencia emocional, Violencia de género, Sexismo, Adolescencia, Educación emocional, Roles de género, Emotional intelligence, Gender violence, Sexism, Adolescence, Emotional education, Gender roles