Rehabilitación multimodal en pacientes confirmados con COVID-19. Revisión sistematizada
Anaya Ku, Juan Sebastián
Basanta Trespalacio, Dayanis Paola
Córdoba Diaz, Andreina Paola
Coronado Pertuz, Valeria
Rodríguez Pérez, Mariana de Los Ángeles
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La enfermedad por COVID-19 es una patología infecciosa causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2, que afecta a otros sistemas por lo que 20% de los pacientes presentan un estado crítico. Es importante la rehabilitación cardiopulmonar, con el objetivo de recuperación y mejoría de las capacidades pulmonares. Como objetivo general este artículo tiene pensado evaluar la efectividad de la rehabilitación funcional sobre la capacidad funcional y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en pacientes con covid-19 de acuerdo con la literatura científica. A febrero de 2022 se han reportado 5.798.799 casos confirmados de los cuales están activos 100.970; Bogotá D.C. (1.648.511 casos), Antioquia (895.326 casos), Valle del Cauca (523.537 casos), Atlántico (386.925 casos) y el número de casos fallecidos para la misma época se reporta con un total de 138.854 muertes de los casos confirmados. 40 documentos concluyeron que la mayoría de los pacientes post covid – 19 presentan disnea persistente, fatiga, y que las funciones cardiopulmonares y cerebrales con frecuencia se ven afectadas en donde predominó la afectación al sistema nervioso central (24,8 %) seguida por el daño al músculo esquelético (10,7 %) y al sistema nervioso periférico (8,9 %). La fisioterapia es un programa de rehabilitación multimodal primordial para la recuperación funcional, física, social. A su vez, trata secuelas a nivel pulmonar, capacidad funcional y rendimiento físico. Es importante la intervención temprana a paciente con Covid-19, ya que es decisivo en su recuperación, disminuye las probabilidades de un reingreso hospitalario y la intervención temprana reduce las probabilidades de secuelas. Se realizará una revisión sistematizada donde a lo largo de esta se evaluarán y recopilarán artículos sobre el covid-19 y la rehabilitación multimodal. Para lograr esto se revisaron artículos clínicos aleatorizados, evaluados con la lista de chequeo conssort para ensayos clínicos que consta de 25 ítems divididos en a y b que fueron buscados en la base de datos de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, scopus y scielo
COVID-19 disease is an infectious pathology caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which affects other systems and 20% of patients present a critical condition. Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation is important, with the aim of recovery and improvement of pulmonary capacities. The general objective of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of functional rehabilitation on functional capacity and health-related quality of life in patients with covid-19 according to the scientific literature. As of February 2022, 5,798,799 confirmed cases have been reported of which 100,970 are active; Bogotá D.C. (1,648,511 cases), Antioquia (895,326 cases), Valle del Cauca (523,537 cases), Atlántico (386,925 cases) and the number of deceased cases for the same time is reported with a total of 138,854 deaths of the confirmed cases. 40 documents concluded that most post covid - 19 patients present persistent dyspnea, fatigue, and that cardiopulmonary and cerebral functions are frequently affected where central nervous system involvement predominated (24.8 %) followed by skeletal muscle damage (10.7 %) and peripheral nervous system (8.9 %). Physiotherapy is a multimodal rehabilitation program essential for functional, physical and social recovery. It also treats pulmonary sequelae, functional capacity and physical performance. Early intervention is important for patients with Covid-19, since it is decisive in their recovery, decreases the probability of hospital readmission and early intervention reduces the probability of sequelae. A systematized review will be carried out in which articles on covid-19 and multimodal rehabilitation will be evaluated and compiled. To achieve this, randomized clinical articles were reviewed, evaluated with the conssort checklist for clinical trials consisting of 25 items divided into a and b that were searched in the database of the Universidad Simón Bolívar, scopus and scielo.
COVID-19 disease is an infectious pathology caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which affects other systems and 20% of patients present a critical condition. Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation is important, with the aim of recovery and improvement of pulmonary capacities. The general objective of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of functional rehabilitation on functional capacity and health-related quality of life in patients with covid-19 according to the scientific literature. As of February 2022, 5,798,799 confirmed cases have been reported of which 100,970 are active; Bogotá D.C. (1,648,511 cases), Antioquia (895,326 cases), Valle del Cauca (523,537 cases), Atlántico (386,925 cases) and the number of deceased cases for the same time is reported with a total of 138,854 deaths of the confirmed cases. 40 documents concluded that most post covid - 19 patients present persistent dyspnea, fatigue, and that cardiopulmonary and cerebral functions are frequently affected where central nervous system involvement predominated (24.8 %) followed by skeletal muscle damage (10.7 %) and peripheral nervous system (8.9 %). Physiotherapy is a multimodal rehabilitation program essential for functional, physical and social recovery. It also treats pulmonary sequelae, functional capacity and physical performance. Early intervention is important for patients with Covid-19, since it is decisive in their recovery, decreases the probability of hospital readmission and early intervention reduces the probability of sequelae. A systematized review will be carried out in which articles on covid-19 and multimodal rehabilitation will be evaluated and compiled. To achieve this, randomized clinical articles were reviewed, evaluated with the conssort checklist for clinical trials consisting of 25 items divided into a and b that were searched in the database of the Universidad Simón Bolívar, scopus and scielo.
Palabras clave
Telesalud, Interdisciplinar, Multicomponente (multimodal), Calidad de vida, Salud, Rehabilitación funcional, Capacidad funcional