Clima organizacional en la empresa Avicarga Limitada de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Guzmán Barboza, Karen
Hernández Pérez, Armando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo de estudio de esta investigación fue determinar el clima organizacional de la empresa Avicarga Limitada de la ciudad de Barranquilla, empresa dedicada a la logística de mensajería, compuesta por 120 funcionarios (profesionales, técnicos y obreros), la muestra estuvo conformada por 30 participantes, seleccionados por el muestreo probabilístico sistematizado.
La variable de estudio, en este caso “clima organizacional” fue evaluada mediante la escala del clima organizacional EDCO elaborada por estudiantes de la fundación universitaria Konrad Lorenz de Santafé de Bogotá Distrito Capital Colombia.
Compuesta por 40 ítems, esa escala evalúa ocho subescalas cada una compuesta por cinco ítems como son: relaciones interpersonales, estilos de dirección, sentido de pertenencia, retribución, disponibilidad de recursos, estabilidad, claridad y coherencia y valores colectivos; las cuales fueron tomadas
como objetivo especifico (la suma total de estos determina el clima organizacional de la empresa).
El presente estudio logró describir los objetivos propuestos (general y específicos). La empresa Avicarga Limitada mostró un clima organizacional alto lo que indica un buen clima organizacional, el cual fue determinado por medio de la aplicación, análisis e interpretación de la prueba EDCO a la muestra seleccionada y estos contestaron con base a las percepciones que tiene de su entrono organizacional.
The objective of this research study was to determine the organizational climate Avicarga Company Limited in the city of Barranquilla, a company dedicated to logistics messaging, comprising 120 staff members (professionals, technicians and workers), the sample consisted of 30 participants selected by systematic probability sampling. The study variable, in this case "organizational climate" was assessed by the scale of organizational climate EDCO created by students of the University Foundation Konrad Lorenz District Capital Bogota Colombia. Comprising 40 items, this scale assesses eight subscales each consisting of five items such as: relationships, styles of leadership, ownership, compensation, resource availability, stability, clarity and coherence and collective values, which were taken as specific objective (the sum total of these determines the organizational climate of the company). This study fails to describe the proposed objectives (general and specific). Avicarga Company Limited showed a high organizational climate which indicates a good organizational climate, which was determined through the application, analysis and interpretation of EDCO to test the sample and those based on respondents' perceptions of their organzational Environments.
The objective of this research study was to determine the organizational climate Avicarga Company Limited in the city of Barranquilla, a company dedicated to logistics messaging, comprising 120 staff members (professionals, technicians and workers), the sample consisted of 30 participants selected by systematic probability sampling. The study variable, in this case "organizational climate" was assessed by the scale of organizational climate EDCO created by students of the University Foundation Konrad Lorenz District Capital Bogota Colombia. Comprising 40 items, this scale assesses eight subscales each consisting of five items such as: relationships, styles of leadership, ownership, compensation, resource availability, stability, clarity and coherence and collective values, which were taken as specific objective (the sum total of these determines the organizational climate of the company). This study fails to describe the proposed objectives (general and specific). Avicarga Company Limited showed a high organizational climate which indicates a good organizational climate, which was determined through the application, analysis and interpretation of EDCO to test the sample and those based on respondents' perceptions of their organzational Environments.
Palabras clave
Clima organizacional, Evaluación, EDCO, Aplicación, Análisis, Interpretación, Organizational climate, Assessment, Evaluation, EDCO, Application, Analysis, Interpretation