Análisis del estigma en personas con trastornos mentales y su repercusión psicológica y social en estudiantes del programa de psicología en la Universidad Simón Bolívar
Castro Cuentas, Paula Andrea
Ochoa Código, Yulieth Palencia
Rivera Guerrero, Wendy
Vargas Algarín, Erika Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
De acuerdo con diversas investigaciones del campo internacional, nacional y local de la literatura revisada, se pone en manifiesto que, desde la perspectiva conceptual, existe un tipo de interacción social que logra presentar consecuencias negativas para las personas con trastornos mentales, denominada “estigmatización” o, sencillamente, “estigma”. (Mascayano Tapia et al. 2015, p. 53). La cual, hace alusión a un complejo modelo de actitudes, generalmente negativas, que un determinado grupo social sostiene con otros grupos minoritarios en potestad de que estos manifiestan un determinado tipo de rasgo diferencial que posibilita identificarlos. (López M. et al 2008, p. 45).
El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo identificar la repercusión psicológica y social existente del estigma hacia personas con trastornos mentales en estudiantes del programa de psicología en la Universidad Simón Bolívar. Se utilizó como método la investigación cuantitativa, para la obtención de resultados objetivos se llevó a cabo la recopilación y análisis de la información a través de herramientas, técnicas e instrumentos de investigación tales como el consentimiento informado y la construcción de un cuestionario autoadministrado conforme a los criterios de la Escala Actitudes comunitarias hacia las enfermedades mentales (CAMI) de Taylor y Dear (1981).
According to various international, national and local research in the literature reviewed, it is clear that, from the conceptual perspective, there is a type of social interaction that manages to present negative consequences for people with mental disorders, called "stigmatization" or, simply, "stigma". (Mascayano Tapia et al. 2015, p. 53). This refers to a complex pattern of attitudes, generally negative, that a certain social group holds towards other minority groups because they manifest a certain type of differential trait that makes it possible to identify them (López M. et al. 2008, p. 45). The present research project aims to identify the existing psychological and social impact of stigma towards people with mental disorders in students of the psychology program at the Universidad Simón Bolívar. Quantitative research was used as a method to obtain objective results through the collection and analysis of information using research tools, techniques and instruments such as informed consent and the construction of a self-administered questionnaire according to the criteria of the Community Attitudes towards Mental Illness Scale (CAMI) by Taylor and Dear (1981).
According to various international, national and local research in the literature reviewed, it is clear that, from the conceptual perspective, there is a type of social interaction that manages to present negative consequences for people with mental disorders, called "stigmatization" or, simply, "stigma". (Mascayano Tapia et al. 2015, p. 53). This refers to a complex pattern of attitudes, generally negative, that a certain social group holds towards other minority groups because they manifest a certain type of differential trait that makes it possible to identify them (López M. et al. 2008, p. 45). The present research project aims to identify the existing psychological and social impact of stigma towards people with mental disorders in students of the psychology program at the Universidad Simón Bolívar. Quantitative research was used as a method to obtain objective results through the collection and analysis of information using research tools, techniques and instruments such as informed consent and the construction of a self-administered questionnaire according to the criteria of the Community Attitudes towards Mental Illness Scale (CAMI) by Taylor and Dear (1981).
Palabras clave
Repercusión psicológica y social, Trastornos mentales, Psychological and Social Impact, Mental disorders