Estructura organizacional como determinante competitivo en pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector alimentos
Blanco-Ariza, Ana Beatriz
Vásquez-García, Ángel Wilhelm
García-Jiménez, Rafael
Melamed-Varela, Enrique
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Universidad de Zulia
La gestión de pequeñas y medianas empresas en el contexto de la globalización involucra considerar
aspectos para su competitividad y permanencia en el mercado, situación que requiere de una estructura
organizativa que corresponda a las condiciones que ello representa. El propósito de este artículo es analizar
la relación entre las estructuras organizacionales y la competitividad de las empresas del sector alimentos de
Barranquilla (Colombia), con el fin de determinar si la estructura organizacional impulsa la competitividad
de estas organizaciones. Se diseñó una investigación explicativa de enfoque cuantitativo donde participaron
62 empresas del sector alimentos, a partir de la información recopilada se realizó un análisis predictivo
basado en regresión múltiple, determinando los niveles de competitividad con relación a su estructura
organizacional. Como resultado se expone el modelo de regresión que aporta datos significativos para la
competitividad en el sector alimentos, por lo que las empresas que fortalecen su estructura organizacional
optimizan y alcanzan adecuados niveles de competitividad, demostrándose estadísticamente que existe una
correlación positiva entre las variables. Se concluye, considerar la competitividad en pequeñas y medianas
empresas de alimentos a partir de sus estructuras organizacionales, determinando aspectos y componentes
desde la departamentalización, cadena de mando y formalización que modelan su desempeño.
The management of small and medium-sized companies in the context of globalization involves considering aspects for their competitiveness and permanence in the market, a situation that requires an organizational structure that corresponds to the conditions it represents. The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship between organizational structures and the competitiveness of companies in the food sector of Barranquilla (Colombia), in order to determine if the organizational structure drives the competitiveness of these organizations. An explanatory research with a quantitative approach was designed in which 62 companies from the food sector participated. Based on the information collected, a predictive analysis based on multiple regression was performed, determining the levels of competitiveness in relation to their organizational structure. As a result, the regression model that provides significant data for competitiveness in the food sector is exposed, so that companies that strengthen their organizational structure optimize and achieve adequate levels of competitiveness, statistically demonstrating that there is a positive correlation between the variables. In conclusion, consider the competitiveness of small and mediumsized food companies based on their organizational structures, determining aspects and components from the departmentalization, chain of command and formalization that model their performance.
The management of small and medium-sized companies in the context of globalization involves considering aspects for their competitiveness and permanence in the market, a situation that requires an organizational structure that corresponds to the conditions it represents. The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship between organizational structures and the competitiveness of companies in the food sector of Barranquilla (Colombia), in order to determine if the organizational structure drives the competitiveness of these organizations. An explanatory research with a quantitative approach was designed in which 62 companies from the food sector participated. Based on the information collected, a predictive analysis based on multiple regression was performed, determining the levels of competitiveness in relation to their organizational structure. As a result, the regression model that provides significant data for competitiveness in the food sector is exposed, so that companies that strengthen their organizational structure optimize and achieve adequate levels of competitiveness, statistically demonstrating that there is a positive correlation between the variables. In conclusion, consider the competitiveness of small and mediumsized food companies based on their organizational structures, determining aspects and components from the departmentalization, chain of command and formalization that model their performance.
Palabras clave
Estructura organizacional, Competitividad, Pequeñas y medianas empresas, Sector alimentos, Modelo de regresión, Organizational structure, Competitiveness, Small and medium businesses, Food sector, Regression model