Análisis comparativo de los estudiantes en riesgo de deserción y los estudiantes desertados de la facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Simón Bolívar en el periodo 2020-2021
Rodríguez Peña, Fabián Jair
González De León, Jusep de Jesús
Peñaranda Arbeláez, Xiomara del Socorro
Amell Sánchez, Luz Aida
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingeniería
Facultad de Ingeniería
La magnitud de la deserción estudiantil en Colombia constituye un reto para el sistema de educación superior, sobre su implicación en los niveles, educativos y productivos; para realizar una intervención adecuada sobre el fenómeno es fundamental el seguimiento sistemático de la deserción estudiantil, así como su estudio desde diferentes unidades, dimensiones o perspectivas.
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo presentar el resultado de una investigación, en relación a la deserción universitaria y su incidencia en la facultad de Ingeniería Industria de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, así como, los factores determinantes de esta problemática, tanto desde una perspectiva institucional como individual en relación con los estudiantes en quien convergen de manera particular los diversos factores y problemáticas asociadas a la deserción; identificar los factores de riesgo que inciden en la deserción de los estudiantes, que oriente a la Universidad Simón Bolívar a la implementación de estrategias o políticas de retención de los estudiantes en la Facultad.
The magnitude of student desertion in Colombia constitutes a challenge for the higher education system, regarding its involvement in educational and productive levels; To carry out an adequate intervention on the phenomenon, systematic monitoring of student dropouts is essential, as well as its study from different units, dimensions or perspectives. This project aims to present the result of an investigation, in relation to the university dropout and its incidence in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the Simón Bolívar University, as well as the determining factors of this problem, both from an institutional and individual perspective. in relation to the students in whom the various factors and problems associated with dropping out converge in a particular way; Identify the risk factors that affect the dropout rate of students, to guide the Simón Bolívar University to the implementation of strategies or policies for the retention of students in the Faculty.
The magnitude of student desertion in Colombia constitutes a challenge for the higher education system, regarding its involvement in educational and productive levels; To carry out an adequate intervention on the phenomenon, systematic monitoring of student dropouts is essential, as well as its study from different units, dimensions or perspectives. This project aims to present the result of an investigation, in relation to the university dropout and its incidence in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the Simón Bolívar University, as well as the determining factors of this problem, both from an institutional and individual perspective. in relation to the students in whom the various factors and problems associated with dropping out converge in a particular way; Identify the risk factors that affect the dropout rate of students, to guide the Simón Bolívar University to the implementation of strategies or policies for the retention of students in the Faculty.
Palabras clave
Deserción universitaria, Ingeniería Industrial, Multicausales, Sistema integrado de gestión, University dropout, Industrial engineering, Multicausal, Integrated Management Systemt