Cultura saludable y medios de transporte incluyentes en la ciudad de Barranquilla/Colombia
Reniz Acosta, Karina Paola
Fábregas, Carlos de Jesús
Vidarte claros Rodado, José Armando
Nuñez Bravo, Narledis
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT
Objetivo: Establecer asociaciones entre la cultura
saludable y los medios de transporte incluyentes
utilizados por la población de Barranquilla. Materiales
y métodos: Para la realización del trabajo se diseñó
un estudio de tipo descriptivo con enfoque
cuantitativo, aplicándose la técnica estadística de
muestreo probabilístico estratificado no proporcional,
en donde participaron 384 personas residentes de la
ciudad de Barranquilla. Para el levantamiento de la
información el instrumento elaborado fue una
encuesta, validándose el contenido de la misma a
través del método estadístico Alpha de Cronbach
obteniéndose un nivel de consistencia interna de 6. La
encuesta fue aplicada en sectores de las diferentes
localidades de la ciudad. Resultados: Los hallazgos
encontrados mostraron que el 91% de la población
participante de la muestra utiliza transporte urbano
para realizar los desplazamientos dentro de la ciudad.
De igual manera consideraron que utilizarían medios
de transporte no motorizados si contaran con
estacionamiento y lugares seguros para su
desplazamiento. Conclusiones: Se recomienda el
diseño e implementación de programas que
promuevan el uso de medios de transportes
incluyentes como la bicicleta y caminar, brindando las
condiciones de seguridad, infraestructura y accesibilidad a la población para lograr su
participación activa, lo cual generaría beneficios no
solo en la movilidad urbana sino también en la salud,
la economía y el medio ambiente.
Objective: To establish associations between the healthy culture and the inclusive means of transport used by the population of Barranquilla. Materials and methods: For the accomplishment of the work a descriptive study with quantitative approach was designed, applying statistical technique of nonproportional stratified probabilistic sampling, in which 384 residents of the city of Barranquilla participated. To obtain the information, the instrument was a survey, validating the content of the instrument using the Cronbach Alpha method, obtaining an internal consistency level of 6. The survey was applied in sectors of the different localities of the city. Results: The findings found that 91% of the population participating in the sample uses urban transport to carry out the trips within the city. They also considered that they would use non-motorized means of transportation if they had parking and safe places to move. Conclusions: It is recommended the design and implementation of programs that promote the use of means of transport including bicycle and walking, providing the conditions of security, infrastructure and accessibility to the population to achieve their active participation, which would generate benefits not only in Urban mobility but also in health, economy and the environment.
Objective: To establish associations between the healthy culture and the inclusive means of transport used by the population of Barranquilla. Materials and methods: For the accomplishment of the work a descriptive study with quantitative approach was designed, applying statistical technique of nonproportional stratified probabilistic sampling, in which 384 residents of the city of Barranquilla participated. To obtain the information, the instrument was a survey, validating the content of the instrument using the Cronbach Alpha method, obtaining an internal consistency level of 6. The survey was applied in sectors of the different localities of the city. Results: The findings found that 91% of the population participating in the sample uses urban transport to carry out the trips within the city. They also considered that they would use non-motorized means of transportation if they had parking and safe places to move. Conclusions: It is recommended the design and implementation of programs that promote the use of means of transport including bicycle and walking, providing the conditions of security, infrastructure and accessibility to the population to achieve their active participation, which would generate benefits not only in Urban mobility but also in health, economy and the environment.
Palabras clave
Transportes, Actividad motora, Enfermedad crónica, Transport, Motor activity, Chronic disease