Emigraciones forzadas de colombianos en el periodo 2014-2018: Efectos en el entorno socioeconómico nacional
Salazar-Araujo, Eduardo José
Delgado-Muñoz, Daniela Carolina
Narváez-Navarro, Rosa María
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Universidad del Zulia
Los fenómenos migratorios afectan millones de personas en el mundo, de acuerdo con información de las Naciones Unidas. En 2017 la cifra de migrantes alcanzó los 258 millones de personas, frente a 173 millones del año 2000, lo cual representa un incremento aproximado del 32%. Colombia no es un país ajeno a esta situación, la desigualdad, los bajos ingresos y la violencia generan que una parte de la población se desplace en busca de un entorno que garantice mejores condiciones de vida, ese desplazamiento tiene efectos socio-económicos en el país. Por ello es importante conocer las causas y efectos que conlleva la emigración en Colombia. El objetivo central de esta investigación consiste en describir el fenómeno de la emigración forzada de colombianos durante el periodo 2014-2018 y sus posibles efectos en el entorno socioeconómico del país. Esta investigación se fundamenta en una revisión bibliográfica y análisis cualitativo de fuentes secundarias y terciarias, relacionadas con los procesos migratorios de colombianos hacia el exterior, durante el periodo 2014-2018, el estudio es de tipo descriptivo de corte longitudinal. Como principales fuentes de consulta se utilizaron datos estadísticos procedentes de diferentes organismos gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, así como artículos científicos consultados en bases de datos reconocidas. Dentro de los principales hallazgos, se observa que en Colombia la violencia no es el único determinante para las migraciones forzadas, sino que también inciden otros factores como, la búsqueda de mejores condiciones de vida o la persecución por ideales políticos ha tenido una gran influencia en este fenómeno. Por último, se evidencia que los diferentes estados han tomado medidas para mitigar la migración forzada a nivel global, a través de la intervención de organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, los mecanismos que se han implementado no han sido efectivos, pues este fenómeno sigue creciendo cada día, según evidencian los indicadores de migración y desplazamiento forzado, esto puede dar indicios que los organismos estatales y multilaterales están abordando el problema de forma equivocada.
Migrant phenomena affect millions of people around the world, according to information from the United Nations. In 2017 the number of migrants reached 258 million people, compared to 173 million in 2000, representing an increase of about 32%, Colombia is not a country outside this, inequality, low incomes and violence generate that a share of the population moves in search of an environment that guarantees better living conditions, such displacement has socio-economic effects in the country. That is why it is important to know the causes and effects of emigration in Colombia. The main objective of this research is to describe the phenomenon of forced emigration of Colombians during the 2014-2018 period and its possible effects on the socio-economic environment of the country. This research is based on a bibliographic review and qualitative analysis of secondary and tertiary sources, related to the migratory processes of Colombians abroad, during the period 2014-2018, the study is of descriptive type of longitudinal section. As main sources of consultation, statistical data from different governmental and non-governmental organizations were used, as well as scientific articles consulted in recognized databases. Among the main findings, it is observed that in Colombia violence is not the only determinant for forced migration, but also other factors such as the search for better living conditions or the persecution for political ideals have had a great influence on this phenomenon. Finally, it is evident that different states have taken measures to mitigate forced migration at the global level, through the intervention of governmental and non-governmental organizations, the mechanisms that have been implemented have not been effective, as this phenomenon continues to grow every day, as evidenced by the indicators of migration and forced displacement, this may give indications that state and multilateral agencies are addressing the problem in the wrong way.
Migrant phenomena affect millions of people around the world, according to information from the United Nations. In 2017 the number of migrants reached 258 million people, compared to 173 million in 2000, representing an increase of about 32%, Colombia is not a country outside this, inequality, low incomes and violence generate that a share of the population moves in search of an environment that guarantees better living conditions, such displacement has socio-economic effects in the country. That is why it is important to know the causes and effects of emigration in Colombia. The main objective of this research is to describe the phenomenon of forced emigration of Colombians during the 2014-2018 period and its possible effects on the socio-economic environment of the country. This research is based on a bibliographic review and qualitative analysis of secondary and tertiary sources, related to the migratory processes of Colombians abroad, during the period 2014-2018, the study is of descriptive type of longitudinal section. As main sources of consultation, statistical data from different governmental and non-governmental organizations were used, as well as scientific articles consulted in recognized databases. Among the main findings, it is observed that in Colombia violence is not the only determinant for forced migration, but also other factors such as the search for better living conditions or the persecution for political ideals have had a great influence on this phenomenon. Finally, it is evident that different states have taken measures to mitigate forced migration at the global level, through the intervention of governmental and non-governmental organizations, the mechanisms that have been implemented have not been effective, as this phenomenon continues to grow every day, as evidenced by the indicators of migration and forced displacement, this may give indications that state and multilateral agencies are addressing the problem in the wrong way.
Palabras clave
Entorno socioeconómico, Migración forzada, Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible., Socioeconomic environment, Forced migration, Sustainable development goals