Factores de perturbación de la convivencia social en el barrio Villa Sol de Soledad 2019-2021
Santana Bautista, Francisco
Zúñiga Iguarán, Liana Marcela
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El ser humano no puede vivir aislado de los demás y, a pesar de definirse como el ser más perfecto de la naturaleza, tiene cadencias que lo limitan y lo hacen vulnerable y sensible a los efectos del ambiente natural, físico y social que lo rodea. Por lo tanto, ningún ser humano se encuentra excepto de enfrentarse a todos estos factores que perturban y generan inconformidad en la sociedad. Existen varios factores importantes a la hora de analizar las causas que pueden perturbar la tranquila convivencia social, estos son: 1. El factor personal, en el cual encontramos al temperamento, trastornos de personalidad y la baja autoestima, es decir la falta de competencia social. 2. El factor familiar, en el cual encontramos la desestructuración familiar, familias en crisis, falta de afecto en la relación, sobreprotección y maltrato. 3. El factor social, en este podemos encontrar causas derivadas de las relaciones que maneja cada persona dentro de la sociedad, es decir, todo lo que absorbe del círculo social en el que se desenvuelve diariamente y las desigualdades sociales. 4. El factor educativo, en este último podemos observar causas como: escasa atención a la dimensión socioafectiva y la falta de coordinación del profesorado, falta de formación y recursos humanos.
The human being cannot live isolated from others and, despite defining himself as the most perfect being in nature, he has cadences that limit him and make him vulnerable and sensitive to the effects of the natural, physical, and social environment that surrounds him. Therefore, no human being is found except to face all these factors that disturb and generate nonconformity in society. There are several important factors when analyzing the causes that can disturb peaceful social coexistence, these are: 1. The personal factor, in which we find temperament, personality disorders and low self-esteem, that is, the lack of social competence. 2. The family factor, in which we find family breakdown, families in crisis, lack of affection in the relationship, overprotection and abuse. 3. The social factor, in this we can find causes derived from the relationships that each person handles within society, that is, everything that is absorbed from the social circle in which they operate daily and social inequalities. 4. The educational factor, in the latter we can observe causes such as: little attention to the socio-affective dimension and the lack of coordination of the teaching staff, lack of training and human resources.
The human being cannot live isolated from others and, despite defining himself as the most perfect being in nature, he has cadences that limit him and make him vulnerable and sensitive to the effects of the natural, physical, and social environment that surrounds him. Therefore, no human being is found except to face all these factors that disturb and generate nonconformity in society. There are several important factors when analyzing the causes that can disturb peaceful social coexistence, these are: 1. The personal factor, in which we find temperament, personality disorders and low self-esteem, that is, the lack of social competence. 2. The family factor, in which we find family breakdown, families in crisis, lack of affection in the relationship, overprotection and abuse. 3. The social factor, in this we can find causes derived from the relationships that each person handles within society, that is, everything that is absorbed from the social circle in which they operate daily and social inequalities. 4. The educational factor, in the latter we can observe causes such as: little attention to the socio-affective dimension and the lack of coordination of the teaching staff, lack of training and human resources.
Palabras clave
Conducta social, Violencia, Convivencia social, Disfuncional, Perturbación, Social behavior, Violence, Social coexistence, Dysfunctional, Disturbance