Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación como derecho fundamental
Giacometto Márquez, Gianis
Pérez Arteta, Laura
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Antecedentes: En las últimas décadas, con los nuevos descubrimientos científicos,
se ha dado el constante y progresivo desarrollo de las TIC. No solo han traído
innumerables beneficios para la comunicación a corta y larga distancia, sino que
también se han convertido en una herramienta fundamental para el desarrollo de
diversos campos de la vida como la salud, la educación, la interacción, la economía
y en muchos campos más, donde la implementación de estas mejoras, optimiza el
desarrollo de esas áreas exponencialmente.
Objetivos: Por lo cual el motivo de este trabajo es, partiendo de un entendimiento
multidimensional de las problemáticas producto del avance y dependencia de las
TICs, analizar sus diferentes causas, sus consecuencias y por último proponer
diferentes medidas para la solución de la brecha digital.
Materiales y Métodos: Este trabajo será desarrollado como una investigación socio
jurídica. Esto se puede identificar porque la investigación, además de hacer uso de
las fuentes del derecho para darle respuesta a un problema jurídico, utilizará la
realidad social para realizar el análisis de una manera más amplia; a su vez le dará
un enfoque al tema de la igualdad, inclusión, las tecnologías de la información y la
comunicación como derecho fundamental. El enfoque de esta investigación es cualitativo debido a que se recolectó y se realizó un análisis de información, con el propósito de afinar las preguntas de investigación o revelar nuevas interrogantes en el proceso de interpretación. Igualmente, este estudio es cualitativo porque usaremos herramientas propias de este enfoque, tales como las entrevistas y el análisis documental.
Resultados: Parte de la necesidad de que la inclusión digital sea reconocida como un derecho fundamental, se encuentra en la existencia de unos derechos que no aparecen considerados expresamente como fundamentales en la Constitución y sin embargo tienen una relación con otros derechos fundamentales y que, sin la debida protección holística de los mismos, estos pueden ser atentados. Como lo son el derecho a la educación, a la libertad de opinión y expresión, al libre desarrollo de la personalidad y los derechos políticos como bien se resaltó en esta investigación.
Background: In recent decades, with new scientific discoveries, there has been the constant and progressive development of ICT. Not only have they brought countless benefits for short and long distance communication, but they have also become a fundamental tool for the development of various fields of life such as health, education, interaction, economy and in many fields moreover, where the implementation of these improvements optimizes the development of those areas exponentially. Objective: Therefore, the reason for this work is, based on a multidimensional understanding of the problems resulting from the advancement and dependence of ICTs, to analyze their different causes, their consequences and finally to propose different measures for the solution of the digital divide. Materials and Methods: This work will be developed as a socio-legal investigation. This can be identified because the research, in addition to making use of the sources of law to respond to a legal problem, will use social reality to carry out the analysis in a broader way; in turn, it will focus on the issue of equality, inclusion, information and communication technologies as a fundamental right. The focus of this research is qualitative because an information analysis was collected and carried out, with the purpose of refining the research questions or revealing new questions in the interpretation process. Likewise, this study is qualitative because we will use tools specific to this approach, such as interviews and documentary analysis. Results: Part of the need for digital inclusion to be recognized as a fundamental right is found in the existence of some rights that are not expressly considered as fundamental in the Constitution and nevertheless have a relationship with other fundamental rights and that, without the proper holistic protection of the same, these can be attacks. As are the right to education, freedom of opinion and expression, the free development of personality and political rights, as was well highlighted in this research.
Background: In recent decades, with new scientific discoveries, there has been the constant and progressive development of ICT. Not only have they brought countless benefits for short and long distance communication, but they have also become a fundamental tool for the development of various fields of life such as health, education, interaction, economy and in many fields moreover, where the implementation of these improvements optimizes the development of those areas exponentially. Objective: Therefore, the reason for this work is, based on a multidimensional understanding of the problems resulting from the advancement and dependence of ICTs, to analyze their different causes, their consequences and finally to propose different measures for the solution of the digital divide. Materials and Methods: This work will be developed as a socio-legal investigation. This can be identified because the research, in addition to making use of the sources of law to respond to a legal problem, will use social reality to carry out the analysis in a broader way; in turn, it will focus on the issue of equality, inclusion, information and communication technologies as a fundamental right. The focus of this research is qualitative because an information analysis was collected and carried out, with the purpose of refining the research questions or revealing new questions in the interpretation process. Likewise, this study is qualitative because we will use tools specific to this approach, such as interviews and documentary analysis. Results: Part of the need for digital inclusion to be recognized as a fundamental right is found in the existence of some rights that are not expressly considered as fundamental in the Constitution and nevertheless have a relationship with other fundamental rights and that, without the proper holistic protection of the same, these can be attacks. As are the right to education, freedom of opinion and expression, the free development of personality and political rights, as was well highlighted in this research.
Palabras clave
Brecha digital, Conexidad, Derechos fundamentales, Exclusión e igualdad, Connection, Digital division, Equality, Exclusion and fundamental rights