Addressing Climate Change in Responsible Research and Innovation: Recommendations for Its Operationalization

dc.contributor.authorLigardo-Herrera, Ivan
dc.contributor.authorGómez-Navarro, Tomás
dc.contributor.authorInigo, Edurne A.
dc.contributor.authorBlok, Vincent
dc.description.abstractResponsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has only lately included environmental sustainability as a key area for the social desirability of research and innovation. That is one of the reasons why just a few RRI projects and proposals include environmental sustainability, and Climate Change (CC) in particular. CC is one of the grand challenges of our time and, thus, this paper contributes to the operationalization of CC prevention in RRI. To this end, the tools employed against CC were identified. Tools originated in corporate social responsibility and sustainable innovation which help to operationalize strategies against CC in RRI practice. Complementarily, the latest proposals by RRI projects and actors related to CC were reviewed. The findings of the document analysis and the web review were arranged in a framework intended for research and innovation that has an indirect but relevant negative impact due to CC. Thus, four main strategies for CC prevention in RRI were determined: a voluntary integration of the aims, a life cycle perspective, open access databases and key performance indicators, and stakeholder management. The article is finished acknowledging diverse barriers hindering the operationalization of CC prevention in RRI, and we introduce future avenues for research in this
dc.publisherMDPI Open Access Publishingspa
dc.rights.licenseLicencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacionalspa
dc.sourceVol. 10, No.6 (2018)spa
dc.subjectResponsible research and innovationeng
dc.subjectClimate changeeng
dc.subjectSustainable innovationeng
dc.subjectCorporate social responsibilityeng
dc.titleAddressing Climate Change in Responsible Research and Innovation: Recommendations for Its Operationalizationeng
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