Estilos de afrontamiento en pacientes con trastorno bipolar del Hospital Mental Rudesindo Soto (HMRS) en Cúcuta
Rojas Sanguino, Camila Andrea
Vargas Lizcano, María Cecilia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo general analizar las diferencias en los estilos de afrontamiento con sus características socio demográficas, en pacientes con Trastorno bipolar del Hospital Mental Rudesindo Soto de Cúcuta y personas sin diagnóstico del área metropolitana de Cúcuta. Con respecto a su metodología se llevó a cabo desde el paradigma positivista de enfoque cuantitativo con un alcance descriptivo, comparativo y correlacional, en una muestra de 30 participantes de los cuales 15 reciben diagnostico por trastorno bipolar. Para ello, se empleó el cuestionario de Modos de afrontamiento del estrés COPE de Carver, donde se encontró que no hay diferencia significativa en cuanto a los estilos de afrontamiento en personas con o sin diagnóstico, así como se encontró que no hay preferencia al momento de emplear una forma específica de afrontar entre ambas de la población. A partir de este estudio, se concluye que las características sociodemográficas son una determinante en el uso del estilo de afrontamiento, entre estos el nivel económico donde a mayor nivel económico en los pacientes con trastorno bipolar, mayores son sus conductas inadecuadas, a su vez, se concluye que tanto hombres como mujeres con o sin diagnóstico, difieren en la forma de afrontar las situaciones de estrés, donde las mujeres implementan más el afrontamiento activo, así como la planificación.
The general objective of this research was to analyze the differences in coping strategies with their socio-demographic characteristics, in patients with bipolar disorder at the Rudesindo Soto Mental Hospital in Cúcuta, as well as people without a diagnosis from the metropolitan area of Cúcuta. Regarding its methodology, it was carried out from the positivist paradigm of quantitative approach with a descriptive, comparative, and correlative scope, in a sample of 30 participants, of whom 15 are diagnosed with bipolar disorder. In order to do this, Carver’s COPE Stress Coping Modes questionnaire was implemented, where it was found that there is no significant difference in coping strategies in people with or without diagnosis, as well as finding that there is no preference when using a specific way of coping between both of the population. From this study, it is concluded that sociodemographic characteristics are a determinant in the use of a coping strategy: the economic level where the higher the economic level in patients with bipolar disorder, the higher their inappropriate behaviors. At the same time, it is concluded that both men and women with or without diagnosis, differ in the way to deal with stress situations, where women implement more active coping, as well as planning
The general objective of this research was to analyze the differences in coping strategies with their socio-demographic characteristics, in patients with bipolar disorder at the Rudesindo Soto Mental Hospital in Cúcuta, as well as people without a diagnosis from the metropolitan area of Cúcuta. Regarding its methodology, it was carried out from the positivist paradigm of quantitative approach with a descriptive, comparative, and correlative scope, in a sample of 30 participants, of whom 15 are diagnosed with bipolar disorder. In order to do this, Carver’s COPE Stress Coping Modes questionnaire was implemented, where it was found that there is no significant difference in coping strategies in people with or without diagnosis, as well as finding that there is no preference when using a specific way of coping between both of the population. From this study, it is concluded that sociodemographic characteristics are a determinant in the use of a coping strategy: the economic level where the higher the economic level in patients with bipolar disorder, the higher their inappropriate behaviors. At the same time, it is concluded that both men and women with or without diagnosis, differ in the way to deal with stress situations, where women implement more active coping, as well as planning
Palabras clave
Estilos de afrontamiento, Trastorno bipolar, Coping strategies, Bipolar disorder